Which Vista Tweak s/w to use ?

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I need to download a software (preferably a freeware) that i can use to tweak my vista home premium. Please suggest me a good one.
I use Tune Up Utilities 2008 along with TweakUI for Vista. Dats all u'll ever need to tweak and keep ur PC in solid condition...:P

Note: Tuneup Utilities 2009 is nearly the same as Tuneup 2008 but slows the system a lot, especially the startup time.
This is my personal experience, however there might be also similar issues faced by others if u google.

So, TuneUp 2008 recommended for maintenance and TweakUI for tweaking...:)
Aces170 said:
Its called Windows XP :P

dude..:rofl: you couldve given a bettah answer..nevertheless ..it made me laugh.

its somewhat true. for sheer performance XP still is a good option..but now vista SP 1 seems to be at par.

@ the OP

ive been using Vista Ultimate SP1 64 bit.

and havent seen any performance issues as such compared to a tweaked XP..

maybe just a fps drop of 2-4 fps. in games.

in general usage it works smooth.

i doubt there are really any good tweaking softwares for Vista ..the one's that are there are just there for marketing ,i feel.

correct me anyone has come across a real good tweaker for Vista ..like we have tune up for XP.;)

infact i would suggest staying away from any tweaking softwares..cause they do more harm than good ..:P

some registry and system changes might cause instability..(experienced it in XP)

one good thing about vista sp1 is in the last 45 days since installation i havent noticed any freezes ,BSOD's or errors...rock stable !

just do regular maintenance to keep the system smooth.

which includes defragmenting ,disk cleanup once in a while etc.
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