Aces170 said:
Its called Windows XP
dude..:rofl: you couldve given a bettah answer..nevertheless made me laugh.
its somewhat true. for sheer performance XP still is a good option..but now vista SP 1 seems to be at par.
@ the OP
ive been using Vista Ultimate SP1 64 bit.
and havent seen any performance issues as such compared to a tweaked XP..
maybe just a fps drop of 2-4 fps. in games.
in general usage it works smooth.
i doubt there are really any good tweaking softwares for Vista ..the one's that are there are just there for marketing ,i feel.
correct me anyone has come across a real good tweaker for Vista we have tune up for XP.
infact i would suggest staying away from any tweaking softwares..cause they do more harm than good ..
some registry and system changes might cause instability..(experienced it in XP)
one good thing about vista sp1 is in the last 45 days since installation i havent noticed any freezes ,BSOD's or errors...rock stable !
just do regular maintenance to keep the system smooth.
which includes defragmenting ,disk cleanup once in a while etc.