Which wireless router?

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Members a noob query.I have a Mtnl broadband connection,the query is do i need to use the modem supplied by them along with a wifi router or can i connect the router directly if not are their any wireless modem or router and which model to get and the approx prices thanks.
Gaurish said:
you are getting speeds of 16Mbps. Wlan G has max speeds of 54Mbps.
which is slow, by any means you are using Windows Vista?

because i remember had a slow of slow LAN speeds with vista right from BETA 2 to RC2 version. it *must* have been fixed by now.
but don't know much, since i have dumped vista after the final version came out from MS

yes, i am using Vista.. any hotfixes for that?..
I have set the speed to 54Mbps in the router console.. still getting that bugged speed of 1.75 to 2.4mbps when transferred files locally over wifi :S
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