Who CRYed, who didn't

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Playing Far Cry for last few weeks.:ohyeah:

now, by weeks I mean a couple of hours of gaming in a few days followed by a 2-3 day break (time hi nahin milta bhai). Even if I am regular, I rarely play for more than 10hrs in a week. But, of course, this is not the point.

Far Cry is one hell of a game and even though I am playing it on Easy, the game just kicks a** . Till research it was all fine, but with Treehouse - and those damned Trigens - it's turning out to be an enjoyable but exhausting experience.

I know I am not much of a gamer ( :ashamed: ) but I am sure many here are. How many of you have beaten Far Cry and at what difficulty setting?

Pitch in

PS: People who vote should also drop in a reply mentioning their choice. It is necessary to differentiate n00bs frm 133ts
This game is insane.Even on easy difficutly the levels were exteremly tough.I just completed this few days back.Had to use cheats in the Volcano level.:ashamed:

Loved the overall experience.I found it even better than Crysis at some point.Crysis seemed a bit easy due to the health regeneration factor & cloaking ability.In Far Cry health would become a major concern especially when those mutants freaks would show up,one hit & nearly 3/4th of your health is wiped off.:@
The Volcano level was my favourite :devil: , i had finished that level for two of my friends as well....:ohyeah:

Although was very frustrating in the first few tries:@
Normal mode;

The volcano level must be li'l hard with those bad-a$$ guys.. lolz.. :P

Gameplay's good; can play any no. of times w/o getting the bored. :)
nukeu666 said:
only place i had a problem was shooting the guy out of the chopper while the ship was sinking
He was one tough bugger.I used end number of rockets at him but it didn't work.In the end I inserted god mode & stood there to see how many rockets would take down this idiot CROW.Realised he fishes off after 7-8 rockets directly hitting him.I had died end number of time trying to beat that guy.:@
I started FarCry in challenging mode after being quite disappointed that the easy mode in F.E.A.R was well...easy. Most of the games I've played in easy mode actually turn out to be quite tough towards the end but not F.E.A.R.

Oh woe was me as I proceeded through FarCry. Each level was truly a challenge. I had to stalk, hide and use every trick to finish of the enemies. In the end, it made me a very good player and each success was like a conquest. After finishing the game, I re-played some level(I think it was the 4th) and was amazed at how good I'd gotten.

I don't know where I got the resilience to finish the game off at the time with the countless reloads n' all. But I enjoyed every minute of it. It remains my favourite game till date for the outdoor scenes as well as varied gameplay.

Ooh..I'm not a fantastic player(like you multiplayer fellas on Q3 and CS) but I've been playing all kinds of games esp. FPS for years.
Played on easy, died 5 times the first time I played it. Second time played easy NO DEATHS!!

Played on moderate, lot tougher, but you need to use stealth and hit and run tactics as well as the environment to your advantage.

^^crow was easy...hide behind the tree on the beach, it'll absorb all the bullets :P
played it on easy with rampant use of god mode to vent out the frustration of dying several times ... dont remember the levels as i played it few years ago ... im no noob in fps (cs ftw in gg/steam) but it was difficult game for me :(

ot: patch 1.4 of far cry has a bug in which the enemies wallhack - they can see u if u are inside the a room etc.
I hated the save check points. Some of them were too near, shoot three gusy and there it is. And some were crazy, shoot an entire army and still none. I wasted a lot of time playing the same points again and again.
first time i played on normal , CROW really was tough . used Vandals technique of the tree on the beach , in the hardest mode, i just kept on firing rockets before he cud reach me even using a jeep rocket launcher which had like 30 rockets:P
the volcano level was tough , but once u have played the game on easy mode, u know where all the creeps are, so u can use stealth sniping to take em out one by one, but getting those rocket launching morons off ur back is difficult
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