Playing Far Cry for last few weeks.
now, by weeks I mean a couple of hours of gaming in a few days followed by a 2-3 day break (time hi nahin milta bhai). Even if I am regular, I rarely play for more than 10hrs in a week. But, of course, this is not the point.
Far Cry is one hell of a game and even though I am playing it on Easy, the game just kicks a** . Till research it was all fine, but with Treehouse - and those damned Trigens - it's turning out to be an enjoyable but exhausting experience.
I know I am not much of a gamer ( :ashamed: ) but I am sure many here are. How many of you have beaten Far Cry and at what difficulty setting?
Pitch in :hap2:
PS: People who vote should also drop in a reply mentioning their choice. It is necessary to differentiate n00bs frm 133ts

now, by weeks I mean a couple of hours of gaming in a few days followed by a 2-3 day break (time hi nahin milta bhai). Even if I am regular, I rarely play for more than 10hrs in a week. But, of course, this is not the point.
Far Cry is one hell of a game and even though I am playing it on Easy, the game just kicks a** . Till research it was all fine, but with Treehouse - and those damned Trigens - it's turning out to be an enjoyable but exhausting experience.
I know I am not much of a gamer ( :ashamed: ) but I am sure many here are. How many of you have beaten Far Cry and at what difficulty setting?
Pitch in :hap2:
PS: People who vote should also drop in a reply mentioning their choice. It is necessary to differentiate n00bs frm 133ts