Who CRYed, who didn't

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i liked it, played on Easy :ashamed: I always do that, gives me more time to appreciate the scenery and the game itself :P thats my view anyway ;)
^That's what I used to do too.I would wipe out all the enemy line & then just roam around watching the scenic beauty.My favourite passtime was shooting the dead corpse in the water.This game has brilliant ragdoll physics.When you shoot the corpse it not only bleeds but the entire blood spreads in the water.Neat! :)
The humans r easy to kill but when it come to the big ones especially the one's with the rocket launcher... Phew!!! Love the sniper shots from the watch towers...
I think endboss is lamest of all from fpses...
Never intrested after trojans started poping in...esp those leapers(sort of things) were suckers

I did cry and had to use cheats to defeat end boss...

But human enemies were really cool.Strong and difficult AI.
Let's not forget the very "insightful" conversations between the enemy troops. :D

One of the best features of the game IMO. Made the game come to life!

sajitsm said:
I think endboss is lamest of all from fpses...
Never intrested after trojans started poping in...esp those leapers(sort of things) were suckers

I did cry and had to use cheats to defeat end boss...

But human enemies were really cool.Strong and difficult AI.

Human enemies are good. They are smart, talk a lot of bullshit and fight well. It's great fun to fight them... mutants however are made of different stuff. I hate their grunts. So far I have came across only Monkey Trigens (I am about to finish Steam) and they are real pain in a** :@
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