Who'll win FIFA World Cup 2006?

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Hey MOD [QF] I agree with extension till QuarterFinals are done... makes sense. Like to see Brasil or Argentina lifting the cup... rest are not really happening.. OK may be france was good against Spain but Brasil & Argentina are better.
xplicit said:
Spain was the only team capable of stopping the Brazilians, and now that those french matkus knocked them out, they did a favour for Brazil...

Brasilia for the cup... Possibly a Brazil v Germany final once again...

Actually whoever wins the Ger vs Arg match will meet Brazil in the finals in all likelyhood...

Well...... Joga Bonito !
agrees, Spain looked the best till now. Sheesh they are gone by some intelligent french play.
Hey dude!
You should have started the thread with who will qualify for the Quater finals and then for the finals...
that way more nicks could be won... and esp with ppl already betting on argentina have lost rheir nicks quite early on....
now since the quterfinals have already started (in terms of Germany reach there)
Please create a thread of teams getting into the finals....
what say guys???
The same thread will continue..

i feel sorry for the guys who have lost their nickels

but the bet was and always will be

"Who'll win FIFA World Cup 2006?"

keep betting :)
shit!! i forgot abt this thread!!!!! darn!!!! darnn darn!!!!


no one on italy?? :rofl: :rofl:

Te shall become rich through this bet ;)
thought the poll would last until the end of second semi... ne chance of opening it up, no match until sat anyway.
huh..no one on italy...sad...! But they deserve the cup..Consistent team effort!

3 Cheers for Italia...!

But why the hell did Zidane give Meta..the header...?:@
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