Why do people in India does'nt buy stuff Online ?

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Hi guys

I have heard of NewEgg and Amazon so much but then i was wondering we in India also have so many websites like theitdepot , computerwarehouse, indmall , indiatimes etc etc so why do people dont buy stuff online ???

Is it because the prices are very High?

Do these people have just launched the website and have forgotten about it?

Is it because people feel in secured about shopping online?

I just wanted to know what you guys feel about these websites....and can they be better than what they are ... if yes!!! Then how can that be made possible
The prices are generally higher.

Availability is also an issue.

RMA is another issue. The RMA System isnt as smooth as it is in USA.
Why would'nt be it smooth and how RMA's in US are better then India i thnk both should take same amount of time if the website owner is serious about his online customers then i dnt thnk there shld be any problem....
Prices. Online Security. and personally, i'd rather see the product first hand before buying it..
+ some sites like itdepot are scary to deal with- sometimes they put the wrong product, some times they advertize stuff thats not there in the shipped item. (based on past TE members experience)

Prices are almost always higher.

Overall I guess the systems that they need to have are not in place. Maybe because the size of the DIY market in india is too small for them to take this seriously.
1) Majority of the peripherals market is catered to by small dealers whoe aren't too tech savvy. They don't know how to set up a website for online retail(hell I don't know how to setup a website. Can't expect a dealer with maybe limited education in the field to set up a website for e-tailing)

2) Dealers in India try to rip you off every chance they get(overcharging, pushing old stock to name a few). And that's when you visit their store in person!!!. If they retail online, it's much worse and a customer is generally wary when purchasing from them. They want to see the product first.

3) Online retail calls for greater transparency and a comparison for all products that a dealer has. Lower end products might not get sold. Also, not all dealers might want to expose their prices for people to compare to the competition unless their prices really good.

4) Online retailing requires maintenance and a team that can handle that. This translates to more costs and only larger or more successful dealers can handle such a demand.

5) If you see in India, the general policy is if it ain't broke...don't fix it. As long as a dealer is able to rip off a percentage of his clientele and make money one way or the other, he is not interested in improving his business through other means.

All said and done, people do buy some stuff online. IT depot was quite efficient(don't know what the hell they're upto now with their crappy website), indmall prices are ridiculous, compwarehouse claim to have an online retail facility but it doesn't work, indiatimes and rediffmail are for the masses, baazee (now eBay India) is quite a success story but generally, people's experience has been bad on several occasions. Either the wrong product is sent or the price isn't right to name a few.

Good pricing and efficient delivery system that can only be offered by a large concern like newegg or the likes needs to venture into India for online IT retail to take off here :).
Well most so called online retailers don't have half a brain in India. First of all after sales service is non existent. Secondly pricing is retarded. The primary reason people buy online abroad is because of pricing. In india unfortunately, there's no real "big" e-tailer like newegg or zipzoomfly and the like that achieve economies of scale. If there's a decent e-tailer with good service, fast shipping and good pricing, it'll manage good business. Just look at memory-configurator and see the number of sales that site made to TE members alone... The surprising part is that stuff couriered by them from ireland reaches us before stuff couriered by local retailers from a different city :P. Plus the prices are way way better than anything u'll get in India for similar products.
How exactly do you think and RMA should be done please explain and what abt the courier charges tat may shoot up the cost also not to forget the Payment gateway cost that the website owner has to bear how do you think that these things can be solved coz without a payment gateway how will the Owner identify the buyer.
About RMA, just do what newegg does... About the payment gateway cost, well it shouldn't be too much of an issue if you sell in volumes. Remember... the key is volumes! Low price, low margin, lots of sale = profit.
Chaos said:
About RMA, just do what newegg does... About the payment gateway cost, well it shouldn't be too much of an issue if you sell in volumes. Remember... the key is volumes! Low price, low margin, lots of sale = profit.

Have you ever inquired about payment gateway cost even if it is 3-5% then it would mean 300 to 500 rs against on every 10000/- purchase and do you know exactly how Newegg does the RMA.
Its really easy shopping online in India..

1. Place an order

2. Pay

3. Receive Wrong Product

4. Return Wrong Product

5. Make around 300 calls and wait 5-6 months to get the right damn order after all.

I was wondering myself, why more people dont shop online after all. :huh:

EDIT: BTW if anyone knows Vinod from theitdepot and could help me get in touch with him please help me. He seems to be ignoring my calls.
rahul_varma said:
Have you ever inquired about payment gateway cost even if it is 3-5% then it would mean 300 to 500 rs against on every 10000/- purchase and do you know exactly how Newegg does the RMA.

Its more like 2-2.5% if you have enough volumes and every single e-tailer pays that. If Jet Airways can sell tickets for the same price or cheaper online than thru travel agents, no reason why hardware vendors can't swallow the charges as they are much higher margins than airtickets for sure :P. Here is NewEgg's return policy.

Newegg Return Policy Information
I guess the prices are the biggest issue... But along with that the margins are too small compared to volumes!! I mean there were very few DIY customers in the past... But slowly times are changing and Im sure we'll have good sites coming up!!
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