why do some filesharing s\w run on my connection while other dont ??

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i can run file sharing s\w like bearshare, bittorrents, mIRC etc on my connection

but many file sharing apps like kazaa, DC++, limewire etc. do not work

any explanation ?? .....

the basic concept and ports etc used by most file sharin apps is the same naa ?? ..... then why this kinda behaviour ....

There may be many reasons for this.
Before i give them though , its important to realize that thought the architecture may or may not be same, the communication ports are different.
Btw here could be possible reasons:
1) your isp has blocked some ports... Some ISP do that
2) Your firewall may be blocking. Just run without firewall and check
3) other reasons maybe, very slow connections, eg you may get timeouts in mirc etc.
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