Why is Nirmal baba Popular?

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Who's this baba,never heard of him?
^^ News were there that Yuvraj Singh's mother has taken Yuvraj Singh to this BABA when cancer was diagnosed and he treated Yuvraj for almost 5-6 months......

Somehow they came to their senses and got it cured medically...but surprisingly, media did not bring this issue much to their tables because they get crores of money in advt from this Baba.

It is in the news that he is brother in law of Jharkhand minister Inder SIngh Namdhari ...Source http://www.mediadarbar.com/5523/nirmal-doing-wrong-says-namdhari/
^^ News were there that Yuvraj Singh's mother has taken Yuvraj Singh to this BABA when cancer was diagnosed and he treated Yuvraj for almost 5-6 months......

Somehow they came to their senses and got it cured medically...but surprisingly, media did not bring this issue much to their tables because they get crores of money in advt from this Baba.

It is in the news that he is brother in law of Jharkhand minister Inder SIngh Namdhari ...Source http://www.mediadarb...-says-namdhari/

You can't really blame most housewifes as they haven't had much exposure to the world, so they're very gullible. However for guys to go along with this is irrational, and they have only themselves to blame. Yuvi should have sought medical treatment right from the time he was diagnosed. Luckily for him, better sense prevailed later.
^^ agree with you.......I checked out some of his videos on youtube and these sound so foolish ...I am not sure how people trust thugs like him.....There was a news that he charges thousands of rupees per person for his darbaar visit and he organizes many these darbaar's everyday and he earns some 40 crore rupees
per day from the same .
I can't understand all the iitians , iims, doctors, engineers and all of them fail at very basic logic what's the point of there studies
One of the most famous are the Baba Bangalis who have their small posters plastered in Mumbai local trains.

11 Hours mein kisi bhi mantra ko kaat ke samasya ka haal milega...guarantee card ke saath

What's funny is that most people who are rational for the better part of their lives, turn irrational when it comes to religion/spirituality. Such is the power of brainwashing from childhood. It doesn't matter if you do a simple prayer/puja/namaz to yourself or cheat the whole world in the name of god, it's still the same, being irrational on different scales.
Hmm.. sad situation. Even in my village a few years ago, I found (while vising my village after a gap of few years) a person whom I knew to be a good-for-nothing drunkard prone to whiling away his time since my childhood had suddenly turned Baba and his disciples/bhakts actually coming to his darshan and he advising them that he has to do some sort of Puja or Hawan as some ill-wishers are doing black-magic kind of stuff against them. And people used to believe such crap. But after a few years, this Baba lost his business as people started realising that he simply cannot make any difference in their lives.

I feel it is more to do with human nature when you are in some sort of distress. You are more likely to believe/try anything to get out of the tough situation. In Hindi you have a saying - Doobte ko TinKe ka Sahara. These Babas have their agents who spread all kinds of (obviously false) stories about how Baba caused troubles of so many bhakts vanish in a jiffy. People in deep trouble think why not try this Baba, after all he seems to have helped so many.
But the issue is how could he be stopped? I am sure once he gets his dose of lesson all the wannabe babas will be demotivated.

I wouldn't be so sure. There's a long list of discredited 'babas' but that doesn't stop new ones from rising. I think there are 2 reasons for this


From a young age, we are taught to be irrational and superstitious, regardless of our religion. The babas need merely to channel into our culture to ensure their success.

While I don't deny there are things that cannot be explained by scientific reasoning, the problem is that our first instinct is to go for paranormal explantions. Ideally, we should go for paranormal explanations only when scientific reasoning fails.

The cultural factor can be mitigated by adopting a more scientific attitude, especially at impressionable ages.


As dennis_nail has mentioned above, when we're in a desperate situation, we would be ready to accept anything.

The desperation factor cannot be mitigated.
yesterday also on star news and zee news I saw a long story against nirmal baba.. surprising that they still telecast advertisement on their channel
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