CPU/Mobo Why not AMD ?

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anfjavid said:
I heard from a cousin of mine who is a mech engineer some yrs back that AMD proccessors dont run certain engineering applications ( something similar to CAD or CAD itself). But those are the days when only 1% of the people or even less than that are aware of AMD and AMD was much backward from INTEL.

But i doubt that the same situation prevails today. I hope that todays AMD proccys will be able to run all the apps..

yes, thats exactly the reason of my first question. in CAD/CAM industry there are ppl who still think that some softwares wont run on AMD. but now i know the things are changed. software vendors started recommending AMD processors..

here are some examples.

Autodesk - AutoCAD - System Requirements

ferrari formula 1 team would use a lot of cad/cam and they also use amd processors--result 7 world championships in the last 10 years.
sunny27 said:
ferrari formula 1 team would use a lot of cad/cam and they also use amd processors--result 7 world championships in the last 10 years.

Bit far-fetched conclusion isn't it?
madnav said:
i tell you what...
engineering courses are about 8085 8086 and p1 at max... and other controllers related to their design.

current gen architectures and instruction set related to them are not yet part of any standard course ...atleast not offered by mumbai university.

my friends who have completed BE can not assemble a computer, they do not understand different parameters involved about different components....
but when they receive an email about core-i7 ..they start praising how great intel is for futuristic sci-fi 8core processor (although its 8 threads)...

these are the kind of people who buy 1GB 9400GT over 512MB 4670, 3GHz P4 D over athlon X2 5200...
you really cant argue with... because they are too smug of holding a BE in Comps and their opinion can be changed only by someone superior to them in terms of their education/profession.

all this may sound stereotypical to many but sadly this is the case in most colleges..at least those under mumbai university.

Well said madnav, so true.
The other day i had pains explaining to a friend of the obvious advantage of a 512 MB DDR3 compared to a 1 GB DDR2. To them , size does matter.
And yes, he duly bought a 1 GB 9500GT. I didnt even bother to ask the price.
@ emil---thanks for correcting me--- i increased the tally from 6 to 7 ---would've been 7 very nearly had it not been for that loser eye brow man alonso--who would be driving a ferrari next season---i wouldnt support ferrari anymore! and then massa's 2008 blunder.

m.schumacher-2000---2004---5 championships

k.raikonnen----2007----1 championship

that makes it 6 and not 7!!

sorry went off topic!
This is all Amd's fault, they have bunch of noobs in their marketing department.

Why cant they just bring some simple ads like ferrari wins becoz they use Amd's processors

Amd supported ddr2 when our competitor went for rdram, amd came up with 64 bit instruction set. So we see the future or something like that.

Ads like these connect with the general public. Amd are you listening, you can use these ideas free of cost. :)
when intel went for rdram amd had support for ddr 1 not ddr 2 and intel too had support for ddr 1 at that time with via chipsets.

only the 850 series supported rdram.

amd did have a few ads with m.schumacher on during f1 races on star sports a few years back and now on hbo/star movies --- but nothing like the blitz that intel has.

true they could do better with some proper marketing.
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