Monitors Widescreen LCD monitor doubt

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Supra said:
I had sold my earlier Viewsonic VA1912wb-3 to a guy who had a 845GV chipset mobo(which didn't even had an AGP slot)....I had taken the latest drivers and the 1440X900 res worked fine there.

Here is a link of the drivers from intel (Uninstall the old drivers & reboot before doing an install of this)

yes this is exactly true.........only older VIA IGP's like S3 don't support widescreens..
Umm, Vivek, the S3 as present in the K8M800 chipset at least does indeed support widescreen (at least my K8V-MX did) after a BIOS update. The update is available on the Asus website and is unsupported (means if the mobo is fubar'ed you don't get to claim warranty) but works just fine and outputs 1680x1050 via the analog out. A little blurry and requiring manual adjustment to perfectly line up pixel positions, but once done it looks snappy enough.

It also enables resolutions all the way upto the maximum available in windows (2560x) even if it beyond the chipset capability, so one needed to set the slider with some caution. Basically the custom BIOS directs drivers to look into Windows resolution support, ignoring the chip totally.

Like I said, it is not an issue of the age of the chipset as widescreen and multiscreens have been available for about 8 years now (the first generation of nForce had support for flexible resolutions, as did the older Geforce and Riva TNT). It is simply the issue of whether a graphics manufacturer has recognised the need to support resolutions other than 4:3, what those resolutions will be, and how to enable support in the drivers. Intel locked it into the VBIOS (and I consider poor form to not lock in every possible rate, this is a way of keeping BIOS sizes low enough to fit on a floppy methinks but IDK how Intel's design process is structured) and made it impossible for the G965 chipset, released in 2005, to support monitors in 16:9 and 16:10, made since 2003. Just a question of market orientation. This is not Intel-bashing, but the guy who took this call must have been having a bad day at work.

Anyway to TS: try the linked drivers if they are compatible with your chipset. I'm pretty sure the ability to output widescreen is in BIOS but I could be wrong as I've not used boards from that Intel generation. There's no harm in giving it a shot.

Let us know.
That's quite possible, as when the KM266 chipset was released (2002, AFAIK) widescreens didn't exist. I'm basically talking about K8M800, which is three generations later.

Remember S3 is a graphics card manufacturer (=nVidia), not the name of the chipset (Their chipsets are called Unichrome, Deltachrome etc.). Their newer integrated cores do support it - not without a BIOS hack, I'll admit, but they do.
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