CPU/Mobo Wierd Boot up issue

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Hi Guys

Please check my signature for my config.

PSU-Corsair VX 450

I am facing a very wierd boot up issue.

When i start my pc it gives me a blank screen and after 2-3 minutes it starts up.

I have tried cleaning the rams and re-inserting it but it is still doing the same thing.

I am not able to understand whether its an issue with my GPU or Motherboard or Ram or PSU. :@

Please advise..

You will need to troubleshoot..remove everything out keep only 1 ram cpu,mobo hooked up to the psu(remove gfx as well) and than check it..repeat the steps until u find the culprit..
faced the same issue with TX850 in the past. After trouble shooting if nothing comes up with other components then try another PSU.
rocky_pratik said:
Ok vivacious_tg
I hope u understood y i was asking you about your PSU


When this issue started, I suspected there was some problem with RAM,so tried with all RAM troubleshoot steps & nothing comes up. Then used memtest for 8-10 hours but nothing came up.
then suspected motherboard, tried everything, even bought a new mobo as I did't have anyone to borrow mobo.

Actually while searching for this problem, I found a software which performs extensive testing of all components like RAM,motherboard,HDD's etc & ran the test for about 14hrs & then only I found that all components are fine. I decided to RMA the PSU as it was the only component I couldn't test.

Rma'ed it & after that my PC is just perfect.
vivacious_tg said:
Actually while searching for this problem, I found a software which performs extensive testing of all components like RAM,motherboard,HDD's etc & ran the test for about 14hrs & then only I found that all components are fine.

Can you tell me the name of the software please? :)
vivacious_tg said:
Sorry dude but I was searching for that software but not able to locate it :(

Can't even recollect its name:ashamed:

will give another try , hope I will find it.

Oh Damn! Anyways, please drop a PM in my inbox if you stumble across the name of software anyday.
XTechManiac said:
Oh Damn! Anyways, please drop a PM in my inbox if you stumble across the name of software anyday.
fortunately I could recall the software's name, it was HOT CPU TESTER free version. if you get hold of pro version. Then it would be great.
yes u need to troubleshoot it. this type of error can occur for several problems

1. first and mostly happens because of bad connectivity of cpu and socket pin, socket pins tend to get bent over use. to make sure that its socket problem try this,

install the stock cooler by pushing only one set of diagonal push pins and hold rest of two with ur two finger and apply a good pressure, if it boots sometime during this

process, then its ur socket.

2. secondly check ram , just put into some other's system and check or use one module at a time ( if u own two ) or use the sound detection ( dont remember the name of that

onboard speaker )

3. third psu , check with other system's psu or use kill-a-watt to measure the volt and amp

4. also some minor problems like, dust, scratched circuit , oxidation or some burnt/damaged mobo components, but this r really rare issues

currently im also victim of this issue , rams r ok , proccy fine , gpus also fine. i tried to hookup with my friends psu and same problem, so the rest is motherboard.

its currently under repair ( socket change ) , asus charges 200-300 upon socket change

hope it helps :)

p.s. ram, processor dont get damaged easily as they are built on high level metals and sturdy mechanism, i think its ur socket or might be the psu
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