Wife looking for Investment suggestions


My wife is looking for investment options.

Her policy matured & received the assured sum. Now, she wants to start investing the same amount further but across multiple investments options/platforms.

For now she will be doing NPS with a certain amount which she can keep contributing on yearly basis.
She already holds an EPS so is PPF again suggestive?

She isn't interested in those typical bank FDs though but fine if you guys suggest to keep a certain percentage into it.

Basically, she is looking for a good retirement corpus. I know SIPs/MFs are the way and she is fine with it. But are there any low-risk options as well?

Need guidance from expert people around doing investments for a longer time and having gained good returns.

Tips and tricks are welcomed!
If possible, I'm open for an investment advisor who can guide.
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My wife is looking for investment options.

Her policy matured & received the assured sum. Now, she wants to start investing the same amount further but across multiple investments options/platforms.

For now she will be doing NPS with a certain amount which she can keep contributing on yearly basis.
She already holds an EPS so is PPF again suggestive?

She isn't interested in those typical bank FDs though but fine if you guys suggest to keep a certain percentage into it.

Basically, she is looking for a good retirement corpus. I know SIPs/MFs are the way and she is fine with it. But are there any low-risk options as well?

Need guidance from expert people around doing investments for a longer time and having gained good returns.

Tips and tricks are welcomed!
If possible, I'm open for an investment advisor who can guide.
I've been 14 years into financial risk - and when I started off, I hoped to be an investing wizard by now. However, ironically, I see gold as probably one of the few relevant options for experts and non-experts alike, given its stellar risk-adjusted returns in Indian rupee terms through economic cycles. It often beats equity indices - and with lower volatility. Sovereign gold bond offers an additional 2.5% interest and zero capital gains on maturity.

The reason for gold is that in my view financial markets have been on steroids since 2009 so almost all of the obvious fundamentally good stocks are obscenely valued. There are likely pockets of value, but it is difficult to find such candidates without dedicating myself full time to the task. Poor governance, poor accounting quality and low-quality auditing practices in case of most Indian firms do not make the job any easier.

an investment advisor who can guide.
Unfortunately, I have a very low opinion of most investment advisors, and of the industry in general. Some of them can be good but generally, even the good ones are useful only with asset allocation decisions (what percentage to invest in equity/debt for example). In the long run, there is no alternative to learning as much as possible, because at the end of the day economic agents' incentives are linked with getting you to invest in what makes money for them.
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