Wii In India?

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amityrock said:
hey aman.. thanks for the info..
actually my bro wnts to buy it (hes 10 an wel i cnt really tel him to change to a ps3.. wev already gt a ps2 an 1.. ) hmm altho even i wnt a ps3.. so i shud tell gt only ntsc if he does gt wii from us an thn il hav to get it modded here.. any idea of modding costs?
thanks again aman!

Modding Wii is difficult and risky. Better buy a pre-modded Wii either from US (if you can) or locally.
Wii is good for:
1. friends hanging out at your place and having a game of Wii tennis over some beer

2. You love mario, link and samus

Plus its widely known that India simply does not feature in Nitendo's business plans. However, it might change with wii. They have already released Wii in Korea and China. The last logical place to launch will certainly be India.
I guess it will happen if EA sports decides to make and lunch Cricket 08 on Wii.
Cricket using wiimote will surely catch the imagination of some crowd here.
again one of my post got deleted, so so so sad :(

@ amityrocks : It should be around 2500 add or subtract 200 or so,

but it really would b better if u get a modchip as well from the us as u'll really have to try ur luck here for a nice modchip here
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