Cv Raman nagar is approximately 4 km from marthahalli , should take some 5-10 mins to reach.The Rents in Marthahali ranges from 3k - 5k for 1-2 bhk flats. Its a Decent Place . HSR is decent too but the rent will be on d higher side.
Traffic in bangalore is not that big of a problem if you have a bike. But if you don't , you are screwed. The BTM buses during peak hours are horrible to say the least.
Night Life is pretty damn good. But again unlike delhi you won't find a bus after 10 pm which means you gotta have some vehicle with you. But seriously if you are in bangalore you have to see the night life, its great.
Food is a major problem here. There are definately some really good restaurants but for daily needs you are gonna have a tough time if you are a northie. Although start with south indian food , you are gonna love Idli dosa for a few weeks before you start absolutely hating it. If you have some andhra or bengali restaurants nearby to your house then you maybe in luck.
I really don't know about crime but i have not witnessed anything of such , sure there are some ugly fights and all but thats everywhere then infact i find bangalore to be a much safer place then Delhi. Just be sure to venture in a group for night outs.
Internet is not a problem if you live in a decent locality.For all your PC needs there is S.P road just like nehru place in delhi. And bangalore is decently big not as huge as delhi but still can take a while to explore the whole city.
Hope this helped. Best of Luck.