PC Peripherals Will Dell U2412M work fine with Zotac GT 610?

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I have a PC with Intel DH 61 HO Motherboard with Core i3 3210 and Zotac GT 610 graphics card. I want to purchase a high end monitor because I'm doing graphics works. Finally decided to purchase Dell U2412M.
Will Dell U2412M work fine with my PC?
Should I upgrade my graphics card or motherboard to get perfect picture? I don't play any games. just use Photoshop only.
My graphics card has DVI, VGA & HDMI ports. U2412M doesn't have HDMI. I'm thinking to hook it with DVI port.
You want perfect picture, GT 610 is enough (even your IGPU)
You want better performance, GT 610 isn't.
GT 610 is like 15-20% faster than the IGPU (HD 2500) so no GT 610 wouldn't make a diff.
I don't have knowledge of PS builds but AFAIR CPU > GPU = SSD > RAM
I would suggest you to buy a 21" monitor and save cash, and later upgrade to i5 or maybe i7. That IMO would be a better rig for PS
I would suggest you to buy a 21" monitor and save cash, and later upgrade to i5 or maybe i7. That IMO would be a better rig for PS
Currently I'm using a 24 fhd monitor hooked with hdmi. It works fine. I need an IPS since I do graphics works.
Naaptol is selling Dell U2412M @10,600 - cheaper than a 21". Before buying, I want to make sure that It will suite my PC.
Upgrading to i5 or i7 means buying a new full PC because I have low end motherboard and stuff.
Don't worry it would work fine for normal Photoshop editing tasks for more graphics intensive tasks you would have to upgrade your GPU. Performance would be almost similar to your current FHD monitor but you would get better PQ due to IPS panel.[DOUBLEPOST=1396113649][/DOUBLEPOST]But stay alert when you deal with Naaptol.
Thanks for the reply. Can I upgrade only the GPU & get better performance? without changing the mb & processor [intel DH61HO with Corei3 3210]. I have 4GB RAM.

I have one more query. Will Dell U2412M work fine with MacBook Air? I'll be getting one by the end of this year.
Upgrading to i5 or i7 means buying a new full PC because I have low end motherboard and stuff.
No mate you don't have to upgrade your motherboard for that. You can just swap the i3 with i5, nothing else need to be upgraded[DOUBLEPOST=1396119477][/DOUBLEPOST]
Don't worry it would work fine for normal Photoshop editing tasks for more graphics intensive tasks you would have to upgrade your GPU
At this point, upgrading CPU would be better than upgrading GPU
I don't have a plan to upgrade my PC now. I want to replace my 24" monitor with an IPS one. I can afford a high end monitor. I wan't make sure that U2412 will suite my PC. If it won't suite, I'll go for a cheaper monitor. Waiting for replays from people who use U2412M.
Well it will do that's all I can say. Photoshop is pretty intensive software. It will also depend on your memory, I hope you have 4 GB or more. I think the i3 will do it's job. Your GPU is okay. What's the current monitor you use? What's the resolution of it?
Well it will do that's all I can say. Photoshop is pretty intensive software. It will also depend on your memory, I hope you have 4 GB or more. I think the i3 will do it's job. Your GPU is okay. What's the current monitor you use? What's the resolution of it?
I have 4GB RAM. Currently I'm using 2 monitors - Del S2440L - 24" Full HD (res:1920x1080) and LG E1642 - 15.6" HD (res:1366*768) in extended desktop mode. Full HD monitor is connected with HDMI and other one with VGA. I want to replace the 24" one.
If you have an S2440L, the U2412 is not going to be an upgrade. Stick with the S2440L - unless the glossy screen is an issue for you. The U2412 is a 6-bit eIPS panel and not high end like the 8-bit IPS panels in the U2410 and the likes.
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Can't agree more with the above comment. People nowadays unfortunately ONLY look at the PRICE. Those IPS panels under 200 US$, and almost everyone says hey look how much the price have fallen! They don't even bother to check the specification!
@ OP : I have no idea why you are looking to buy another F-HD monitor to replace another F-HD monitor! You should definitely stick with your current model. Darn, I am still using 1680x1050, and thought about buying a F-HD one for so many times, then refrained back each time. Either do a upgrade which will be good, or don't do it.
@ OP : I have no idea why you are looking to buy another F-HD monitor to replace another F-HD monitor! You should definitely stick with your current model. Darn, I am still using 1680x1050, and thought about buying a F-HD one for so many times, then refrained back each time. Either do a upgrade which will be good, or don't do it.
$250 VA monitor to $350 IPS monitor isn't an upgrade? U2412M has got higher resolution (1920x1200).
I spend around 10 hours everyday in front of the PC. Colors are n't good in Dell S2440L. My 3 years old LG 15.6" TN monitor has better picture & colors than this. Dell S2440L isn't a good monitor to do graphics works. That's why I'm thinking to get an IPS monitor. May be I'll make 2440 my secondary monitor if my PC can drive 2 big monitors. A better monitor can always help to improve my work & make more money. U2412M is the best monitor currently I can get in my place.
I want to know if U2412M will work properly with my PC (Intel DH61HO motherboard, i3 3210 processor & zotac GT 610 graphics card). That's why I posted a thread here. (Hope I'm not in a wrong place)
I don't have a plan to upgrade my PC. Next goal is to get a Macbook Air. As U2412M has got lot of connectivity options I could use it as an external display when I get a macbook air.
I stand corrected. Yes, it's an upgrade. Cause I didn't notice the model no. carefully, it's not 1080p, it's 1200p. It's definitely an upgrade. IPS will be good for graphical works.
I am getting the same monitor next week.
Colors are n't good in Dell S2440L. My 3 years old LG 15.6" TN monitor has better picture & colors than this. Dell S2440L isn't a good monitor to do graphics works.
I'm a big IPS panel fan, but this statement sounds like something is seriously wrong with your setup. Are you connecting by VGA cable or something? By all accounts the S2440L has better colours than the U2412. Its impossible for a 6 bit + dithering panel to outdo any 8 bit panel.

The price difference has nothing to do with panel type - the smaller size S2240L uses a full 8-bit IPS panel and is still half the cost of the U2412. The Ultrasharp branding, features, possibly warranty are the only differences.
I'm a big IPS panel fan, but this statement sounds like something is seriously wrong with your setup. Are you connecting by VGA cable or something? By all accounts the S2440L has better colours than the U2412.

My S2440L is connected via HDMI. I have done the tweak to get full 0-255 range (as per the tftcentral review). I have also tried VGA connection with and without graphics card. I think the panel reviewed by tftcentral will probably be a different version. The monitor they reviewed doesn't use PWM. My monitor does use PWM. I confirmed it by testing with my camera using the method by tftcentral.

Its impossible for a 6 bit + dithering panel to outdo any 8 bit panel.

That's true. But I have read in many forums & websites that the U2412 is good for graphics works.

The price difference has nothing to do with panel type - the smaller size S2240L uses a full 8-bit IPS panel and is still half the cost of the U2412. The Ultrasharp branding, features, possibly warranty are the only differences.

Are you sure that S2240L use an 8-bit panel? It has got very good reviews in flipkart. May be I can buy it and replace my small LG monitor & scrap the plan to get Ultrasharp. This will be the cheapest option for me.

The other option I have is to wait for U2414 or U2314 which are the latest models. These are 8-bit AH-IPS monitors & PWM free too.
^what tweak did you do to get 0-255 range? Btw, all monitors display this range from years and no tweak is necessary. 0-255 is the default colour range for computer monitors. I don't think tftcentral will be handing out such tweaks.

If you're talking of colour calibration then somebody else's calibration won't work for your monitor. You need to do it on your own. Also can't pwm be switched off through control panel in monitor?
I think the panel reviewed by tftcentral will probably be a different version. The monitor they reviewed doesn't use PWM. My monitor does use PWM. I confirmed it by testing with my camera using the method by tftcentral.
PWM only affects backlight flicker. They should still be MVA panels. You can probably RMA it since it sounds defective.

Are you sure that S2240L use an 8-bit panel?
The other option I have is to wait for U2414 or U2314 which are the latest models. These are 8-bit AH-IPS monitors & PWM free too.
Yeah the S2240L uses an AH-IPS panel too. AH-IPS doesn't guarantee 8-bit but the only 21.5" AH-IPS panel listed on tftcentral is 8 bit. Do note that the panel is glossy like your S2440L.
The U2414 is a return to proper panels like the U2410 so should be good.

I'm actually confused by your post - is PWM flicker the problem or the colours?
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