PC Peripherals Will RAM affect games FPS on a 64 BIT OS ?

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Prob :Lately i was on WINDOWS XP PRO SP3 32BIT & never ever tried 64 BIT, but after the Release of WIN & which tempted me to go for ULTIMATE 64BIT :ohyeah:, but all of a sudden i see some drastic drop in games FPS & with heavy LAGS ! GAMES : CRYSIS : WARHEAD, COD 6 MW2, STAR WARS FORCE UNLEASHED !

COD6 MW2 : 18-25 ON HIGH ( all the game with no AAs AFs ) with WIN 7 64 BIT

: i ran CRYSIS WARHEAD MAXED OUT ( enthusiastic ) with 30 fps on my XP :)
My rig : INTEL E 2160 @ STOCK ,MOBO : ASUS P5KC , RAM : TRANS 2GB 800MHz, GPU : HD 4850 :ohyeah: PSU : CORSAIR VX 450.

ONE WORD : i got gud fps on XP with the same RIG & but just an OS CHANGE & 64BIT will this be the problem ? :huh:
thanks :)
64 bit OS will consume more RAM. As i could see your config, you have just 2 GB which would be enough for XP. However for WIN 7 64 Bit it would consume a minimum of 1 GB for the OS itself, and thats where the bottleneck is. Your games may not have enough memory and hence a reduction in the FPS.
Are you playing on the same resolution in both cases? Cant speak for MW2, but none of the other games use any more than 1.2GB of memory at any given point. So memory shouldn't really matter. Maybe you are using a different driver version?
Yes, mate am playing @ the same res
before 1400*900 & now the same :( & bout thedriver : am using ati cc 9.10 & even on xp the same :P
Any 64 bit OS would require upgrading your RAM. I would like to reiterate it.4GB is recommended for 64 bit OS if you are about to play graphic intensive games. Surely RAM is a bottleneck in your case
kishore.chander said:
Any 64 bit OS would require upgrading your RAM. I would like to reiterate it.4GB is recommended for 64 bit OS if you are about to play graphic intensive games. Surely RAM is a bottleneck in your case
wll does this means that i have to buy a RAM ? :@ sucks i should have bought it when it was really LOW, but now it cost 2.2k for a 2 GIG :(
First of all, 2 gb RAM is a little low here as the windows 7 OS is a little memory heavy compared to XP.

Secondly, you are doing a comparison of Crysis with XP and 7. Xp forces Crysis to DirectX 9 which gives better performance than the DirectX 10 that Vista/7 enables. That could explain your sudden drop in Crysis performance.
Alias said:
First of all, 2 gb RAM is a little low here as the windows 7 OS is a little memory heavy compared to XP.

Secondly, you are doing a comparison of Crysis with XP and 7. Xp forces Crysis to DirectX 9 which gives better performance than the DirectX 10 that Vista/7 enables. That could explain your sudden drop in Crysis performance.

Yup windows vista needs 4Gb mmemory to perform equivalent to Xp with 2GB ram. Booting time afer installing 4 Gigs reduces booting time in vista.

Crysis DX10> Crysis DX 9
hector19 said:
okay with CRYSIS, but wat bout other games ? even COD6 MW2 & star wars lags :(

I am gonna assume that you have already run these games in XP and found them faster there.

Nway, 2 GB of memory doesnt cut it for the latest texture heavy games especially when you have VISTA or 7 that has a much bigger OS memory footprint than XP.
Ok, sorry to say but a lot of in-correct replies here. I have 2gb RAm, and a 9600GT and all games perform similar on XP and Win 7 a margin of error of 5% is acceptable.

Alias has a point, try running Crysis in DX 9 and check? Also update the gfx card drivers. Also what resolution are you gaming at?
Aces170 said:
Ok, sorry to say but a lot of in-correct replies here. I have 2gb RAm, and a 9600GT and all games perform similar on XP and Win 7 a margin of error of 5% is acceptable.

Alias has a point, try running Crysis in DX 9 and check? Also update the gfx card drivers. Also what resolution are you gaming at?

Well, not sure how heavy COD6 or Star wars is but i remember COD4 + Vista occupying around 1.5 to 1.8 Gb memory space when loaded.

He's playing at 1440X900.
Aces170 said:
Ok, sorry to say but a lot of in-correct replies here.
Couldn't agree more.

The theory of faster load times on Vista from 2GB to 4GB is illogical, most of the RAM is gonna remain unused. Also, the real world performance differences (in terms of fps) are minimal in most games. Exceptions are GTA IV and the likes in which a very large quantity of data with several non reusable/unique textures [whole of Liberty city, several car skins/models, people models/skins, audio files, weather effects, lighting effects] are the only games that benefit from more memory.

Crysis Warhead for instance, even with its Direct X 10 textures and all settings maxed out wont take up any more than 1.3GB. The advantages of having more memory is not directly felt in fps, but rather delays when starting up or exiting a heavy application during which the OS allocates or clears memory to be used.

Edit : As for the topic starters problem, try and check your Windows 7 task manager for any other misc applications choking system memory.
Thank u all for replies :)

U see when i minimize any game like CRYSIS WARHEAD i see task manager the MEMORY USAGE goes up to 1.89 -1.92 GB is this ODD or wat ?
hellgate said:
i think the main prob cud be the single ch ram config.
if he had 2*1GB then it wudnt hav mattered.

perfomance differnence is minimal (say 3-5%) between single and dual channel. ^Crysis gave better FPS when I intalled 4Gigs ram......not only crysis, STALKER, GTA 4 also started faster had an increase of 6-7 FPS.
As already said, you need to get more RAM. As for the OS, increase in RAM won't matter that much but for gaming, it will work for sure. 1.92Gb usage means there is loads of paging happening which will surely reduce your performance. I suggest getting 2 more GB RAM.
why dont you just simply add 2gb and see whther the problem has been cured or not ..It will instantanously tell you whther there is a lack of RAM or there is something else that you need to look into.. I personnally do feel the problem is the 2Gb Ram as Crysis itself shows getting clogged at 1.8.. also i d suggest u play with the settings and check what gives you the optimum result
kishore.chander said:
64 bit OS will consume more RAM. As i could see your config, you have just 2 GB which would be enough for XP. However for WIN 7 64 Bit it would consume a minimum of 1 GB for the OS itself, and thats where the bottleneck is. Your games may not have enough memory and hence a reduction in the FPS.

Can't agree. I use Win 7 Ultimate 64bit with 2GB RAM. It never consumes more than 700MB unless I game or open multiple tabs of firefox etc. And for your info, I played CRYSIS, WARHEAD and got ~35 fps with max setting. And enabling texture AA requires more VRAM not the system memory. Also, OP's CPU is causing a bottleneck when the GPU is trying to perform in DX10 mode.
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