PC Peripherals Will RAM affect games FPS on a 64 BIT OS ?

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sabby said:
Can't agree. I use Win 7 Ultimate 64bit with 2GB RAM. It never consumes more than 700MB unless I game or open multiple tabs of firefox etc. And for your info, I played CRYSIS, WARHEAD and got ~35 fps with max setting. And enabling texture AA requires more VRAM not the system memory. Also, OP's CPU is causing a bottleneck when the GPU is trying to perform in DX10 mode.

Yes i agree too ,Win 7 in 2gb consumes 700mb .

I disagree that cpu will be a bottleneck , coz it was ok in xp 32bit , but gone wrong in Win 7 64bit. Not possible.

I also think ur ram is the bottleneck here.

I myself experienced fps lag during 2gb in gta 4 and had to upgrade to 4gb.
^^ In Win 7/VISTA, the default DX version is 10/10.1 and CPU might not be able to cope up with the data GPU is feeding.
sabby said:
^^ In Win 7/VISTA, the default DX version is 10/10.1 and CPU might not be able to cope up with the data GPU is feeding.

Dude wat is cpu ? Confusion will be cleared if u tell ur cpu ?
1st of all.
i do not understand why OP needs 64bit OS for ram below 4GB

the obvious reason in frame drop on crysis is due to dx10
i do not know if the other two games you mentioned are also dx10..if so..then the answer is dx10 which is making games lag.

64bit OS will require more memory for OS itself (as compared to 32bit oS with similar config(hardware as well as software config) ..i dont have any proof to hold this statement but this is just that i have read on our very forum when people were confused about whether to 64bit with 4GB ...conclusion was to stay over 32bit with just 4GB.

2Gb memory is more than enough..at least on my system it is.
this is my benchmark for warhead at 1440x900 in dx10 and dx9 modes

warhead @ 1440x900 no AA , Enthusiast mode, dx10

warhead @ 1440x900 no AA , Enthusiast mode, dx9

you can see the performance hit
hector19 said:
DUDe, i own a intel E 2160 @ stock speeds :( :@

E 2160 is 65 nm , 1MB L2 , 1.80 GHz with FSB 800 MHz. Dude this is the main reason for ur bottleneck

So Ur system runs @ 1.8ghz as u run @ stock speed

Change ur cpu. U shud have atleast 2.66ghz so as to no bottleneck.

Cpu is cause for ur bottleneck.
Anubis said:
E 2160 is 65 nm , 1MB L2 , 1.80 GHz with FSB 800 MHz. Dude this is the main reason for ur bottleneck

So Ur system runs @ 1.8ghz as u run @ stock speed

Change ur cpu. U shud have atleast 2.66ghz so as to no bottleneck.

Cpu is cause for ur bottleneck.

y in the HELL didn i get any sort of BOTTLE_NECK, well i get it but on WIN7 its really acting strange :( :huh:
hector19 said:
y in the HELL didn i get any sort of BOTTLE_NECK, well i get it but on WIN7 its really acting strange :( :huh:

U need to change ur cpu in order to avoid bottleneck.

If u can overclock to 2.66ghz with some aftermarket cooler maybe but still there will be some bottleneck due to low L1 cache and no L2 and L3 cache
Thanks all for ur help :)

i Really appreciate it :)

the culprit was the RAM i,e just the 2 gig ram :P added a 2gig more GSKILL CL5 RAMS & everything's fine & working flawlessly :)

wonder if a TRANSCEND & A GSKILL might do anything ?
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