Win 7 running slow !

recently my windows 7 OS is running slow !

i dnt know what the problem is , even the sound playback in mediaplayer distorts when browsing or even refreshing desktop ! :(

i first thought it mayb cuz of some virus , scanned with avira and found none, tried system restore which also didnt help , now reinstalled the OS fresh but still the same problem exists ........................

could it be cuz of the HDD, slow reading and writing ?

can someone help me troubleshoot the problem ! :huh:


intel e6850 3ghz

asus p5k pl am/ps

4 gb corsair 800mhz


1tb + 250gb HDD

corsair vx450
good point^

try to reassemble all the parts ...that may yield u the culprit

anyways seems like hard disk issue.....but have u tried XP or Vista?
using win7 only hadnt had ny issues for months .................

cpu usage durin playback is 4-7 % ..........

is there any software tools to check ?? used HDD health and it says 98% healthy .......

i also tried rewiring the HDD

removed the old 250gb one ,,, but still there is problem !
this is the strangest of issues :S

i can understand ur frustataion:(

anyways see if the hard disk is fragmented or something.............
If u have two os installed then check is there same issue on other one or install xp on another free disk partition.if u have no free partition then reinstall Win7. i think its a software issue not hardware one.
how do i do that in win7?

nyways the problem is not with the playback alone....... games also runnin slow ...... BFBC2/.... etc .......... SF4 not runnin slow thou ....... hmm.....
Some questions/suggestions:

1. Is the pager file = 1.5 x hardware RAM.

2. Are you on the latest BIOS for your BOARD.

3. Run a full scan of Spybot Search and Destory
Are you facing this issue in windows xp ?. Did you do any driver updates prior to getting this issue ?. If you are facing the same issue even in win xp, then most probably its a HW issue.. Did you run memtest86 ?
when next time this happens...

Open Event Viewer

How to open Event Viewer

press windows+R

box for run will pop-up

copy the following and press enter:

eventvwr.msc /s

this will open the Event Viewer

In the tree view on left side.. expand 'Custom Views' and click on 'Administrative events'.

It may take a few seconds to load up the event log.

check for the latest events..

it will be clear why your windows OS is struggling.

In case if it is not clear, then feel free to post more about the events so that folks can help you troubleshoot.
If u have reinstalled the OS, then i think there might not be a problem with the OS or its processes.

Are u using a genuine copy of Windows 7 or an ahem one? If its ahem version, i would advise a full system scan for spyware using Spybot or any recognised anti-spyware.

If u don't get anything in this, check ur paging file if it is set to recommended. Try clearing the paging file and then recreating it after rebooting.

Have u defragmented ur HDD lately? If not defrag using Diskeeper or something similar. The inbuilt defragmenter in 7 doesn't do its job properly.

Is the lag only in Windows Media Player or have you tried any other alternatives like WMC-HC/VLC etc? I guess u have not installed any codecs since ur install would be a fresh install.

Games performance can not be said as slow or fast unless u have a result of a benchmark u ran earlier with the same configuration and now if run gives a lower score. This is dependent on the resolution u play the games, the visual settings and so on. Let us know if u have anything like this to confirm if games are really running slow.

Anyway, try the above and post what u find. :hap2:
At your System configuration, even with all the bloatware that Windows7 runs by default, your system should run pretty fast...

I'd say, download an evaluation copy of Norton 360, update it and run a full system scan for checking if there are any viruses...

Download & install CCleaner (abhi's suggestion) and disable all the bloatware in the Startup..

go into msconfig and under the services tab stop all the services that you don't require like the "Windows Media Player Network Service"....

If you are comparing Windows 7 with the speed of Windows XP, well windows 7 is slower... not a lot but it is.... You shouldn't really expect the speeds of XP with Windows 7... And BTW do you have a 32 bit Windows & or a 64 bit Windows 7???