Win XP: Clean up C:\

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The C drive in my machine has a space of about 30GB but the free space has dropped to less than a GB now. I have no clue what all things are eating up space. One big chunk i found was that google desktop stored about 6-8GB of data, possibly the indexed data it is. But rest all i don't know. The recycle bin is also empty and this drive is not used for downloads, for that i have another drive.
But one thing to notice is that this laptop is constantly updated with windows fixes (almost everyday) and i have heard that all these do leave the installation files etc behind which they don't delete even when it is unnecessary after the fixes.
Can anyone please suggest me what can i do to reclaim as much space as possible. Also there are no heavy duty programs installed which may eat space.
use tuneup utilities, and try to clear all the restore files, thats takes almost upto 2 gb

and delete all the windows backup files and update backups !!

that shud be it!!
decrease the amount of space used by system restore. If its turned on dont turn it off, instead take it to 2%. might be at maximum right now.

Program Files > Accessories> System Tools> System Restore. (system restore settings)

Click on Settings next to C drive.
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I will use tune up utilities. For now system restore did the trick. I now have more than 1.5GB. It was at 12%, reduced it to 2%
Also what Antivirus do u use? kaspersky 2009 stores lot of temporary update files in C drive that takes a lot of space in gb's..i monthly do clean upthose old temporary update files from the kaspersky directory! check that area too if using KAV/KIS 2009!..other than that, i use tuneup 2009 to clean & retain the fitness of things in my system..& yeah i got only 10gb as partition for my XP OS!
^^ if u r using will clearly show what files/apps r hogging up ur drive space...atleast it can give u a clue if ur etrust is the culprit here.give it a try if u have Not done yet :)
Guy which would be the best and a non-bloatware utility for me?
Currently i am downloading TuneUp...any other suggestions ?

Bumping the thread as the diskspace in C: today reduced to 99MB :O
So the only way out i got was deleting the indexing done by google desktop. That freed 4GB of space.
Hi Raks,

Try these steps
1) remove all System Restore points except the most recent one

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Click Disc Cleanup
Now launch this utility and click More Options tab. Under which click System Restore and followed by that click Clean Up tab a message will popup -Are you sure you want to delete all but the most recent restore point?Click Yes then OK. Finally another message will popup-Are you sure you want to perform these actions?Click Yes.
Now, all the System Restore points except the most recent one are cleaned. As a result there will be more free space in hard disk.

2) Deleting Temp Files

When Windows crashes, or locks up and you have to use Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart, some temporary files will be left on your disk. Some installation routines will also leave temporary files behind.

These files will be left in your \Documents and Settings\your username\Local Settings\Temp folder.

or go to this folder by typing "%temp%" without quotes, by putting this command in Run

You can use Windows Explorer to find and delete these files. To be on the safe site, don't delete files with today's date, these files could still be in use (most probably you'll get an error telling you that a file can't be deleted because it's in use).

You can also check your entire hard disk, to see if there are any temp files in other places:

1. Open Windows Explorer, and select your drive (e.g. C:\)
2. Press F3, this will open Search
3. In the Search for files or folders named: (in box enter) *.tmp
4. Select the drive you want to search in the Look in: box
5. Press Search Now

Deleting other files

Other files you could delete are files with these extensions:

* .dmp - Dump file. When Windows (or an application) experiences a crash, a memory dump is performed. If you don't use these files (for trouble shooting), delete them, you can save quite a bit of space!
* .bak - Backup file; when a new (data) file is created, some programs will rename the old version with a .bak extension. Be careful when removing these files.
* .cnt - Help-related file; ever notice those tables of contents when you launch certain Help files? If you don't need a table to help you navigate through a Help file, delete these. They will not come back.
* .fts - Help-related file; when you perform a search with a Help file, this is created to make all future searches be performed quicker. E.G., not worth having around unless you use Help files on a daily basis. They are re-created if you do a search in a Help file, so these should be regularly scanned for and deleted.
* .gid - Help-related file; when you run a Help file, it creates a GID to make future accesses to that particular help file a tad quicker. They're a complete waste of space. You'll have to delete these on a regular basis, as they are recreated with every Help file execution.
* .old - Old file; see .bak.
* .~mp - Temporary file; see .tmp.
* .$$$ - Old file; see .bak (usually, not always)
* .000 - Old file; see .bak
To be on the safe side, delete your files to the Recycle Bin, and leave them there for a week or two. If you don't run into any problems, you can empty the Recycle Bin. If Windows or any program complains about a missing file, just select your Recycle Bin, find the file and right-click on it. From the context menu choose Restore. This will restore the file to its original location.

3) Run CCleaner
4) Try and move your low importance files another Drive (D:\ drive ) or to a temporary storage like USB or DVD
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