Windows Windows 10 takes 5+ minutes to get to main screen (after BIOS display)

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Getting following warning messages (more then 100) in Event Viewer - System

The IO operation at logical block address 0x17aaf548 for Disk 1 (PDO name: \Device\00000030) was retried.

I ran CHkdsk 3 days ago (on bootup) since then Windows 10 takes more then 5+ minutes to load.
Event Viewer - System is filled with 100s of messages of such type.

Disk 0 is 450 GB SSD - setup as bootable and all applications are installed here.
Disk 1 is one TB Sata - Western Digital - Data is stored on this drive in two volumes
Entire backup is on cloud, so dont need to worry about same..

Any suggestions to get this fixed ?

System event log.PNG
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Move to an ssd drive your hdd is on its way out. Also maybe part of your boot sector is damaged
I would.d suggest move to a 256gb ssd as your basic windows boot drive
( out of curiosity run a disk mark once in windows of a small file and see the read write speeds)
Not worth investing time on issues with spinning rusts. The drive is soon going to be dead or unusable.
Shift to an SSD already, if not quality ones then even a cheap DRAM-less will do. It's a 12+ year old technology at this point already.
Do You have ahci enabled ?
Not sure how/where to check this ?
Move to an ssd drive your hdd is on its way out. Also maybe part of your boot sector is damaged
I would.d suggest move to a 256gb ssd as your basic windows boot drive
( out of curiosity run a disk mark once in windows of a small file and see the read write speeds)
Already have a 450 GB SSD set as bootable drive.
Also backup all the important data.
Thanks, everything backedup on cloud *around 800 GB data*
Move to an ssd drive your hdd is on its way out. Also maybe part of your boot sector is damaged
I would.d suggest move to a 256gb ssd as your basic windows boot drive
( out of curiosity run a disk mark once in windows of a small file and see the read write speeds)
will get to this
Inspect your hdd in hd sentinel and observe the health.
But for boot/os an ssd is highly recommended.
will check using the tool suggested..
Here are images from crystatal disc info

Kingston 450 GB SSD Bootable and all installed apps;


Wester Digital 1 TB data drive (all data is already backed up on onedrive)

Wester Digital 1 TB data drive.png
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