Windows 7 confirmed for 2010


Windows 7 (formerly known as Blackcomb and Vienna) is the working name for the next major version of Microsoft Windows as the successor of Windows Vista. Microsoft has announced that it is "scoping Windows 7 development to a three-year timeframe", and that "the specific release date will ultimately be determined by meeting the quality bar." Windows 7 is expected to be released sometime in 2010. The client versions of Windows 7 will ship in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. A server variant, codenamed Windows Server 7, is also under development.

Microsoft is maintaining a policy of silence concerning discussion of plans and aspirations for Windows 7 as they focus on the release and marketing of Windows Vista, stating that Microsoft does not want to promise features and then fail to deliver, as happened with Windows Vista Ultimate, though some early details of various core operating system features have emerged. As a result, little is known about the feature set, though public presentations from company officials have disseminated information about some features. Leaked information from people to whom Milestone 1 (M1) of Windows 7 was shipped also provides some insight into the feature set.

Windows 7 confirmed for 2010

Screenshot Windows 7

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^ +1.... but so far it sounds promising, as microsoft is trying to fix wrongs they did with whole vista stuff. Plus, they are not trying to hide the fact that they are fixing their mistake.

Hopefully, Windows 7 delivers... I would rather prefer upgrading to that than vista. :)

Ummm.... after seeing the screenshots, I think MS needs to fire their entire UI development team. Could they get any more childish with GUI?
yeah it looks completely like vista ..i just hope microsoft doesnt add \remove soem features and launch a revamped vista as windows 7.
i just hope microsoft doesnt add \remove soem features and launch a revamped vista as windows 7

LOL.... would they be using vLite?? :p

Just remembered something I read sometime back, that current screenshots of Win7 are using GUI of vista because currently only under-the-hood development is done. There could be a fresh round of GUI development. I just hope they don't mess it up.
Lord Dagon said:
Well I saw it on the BBC news Headlines.

wow. so it really is confirmed then. (sarcasm)

at the moment it is looking like "Vista R2" to me... just the marketing folks might not use the Vista brand and give it a new name... they've already said the kernel will be based on windows server (likely 2008) which Vista already kinda is...

looks like just a UI skin update on the same underlying code... its just that in 2010 quad and octa core CPUs with 4-8 GB RAM will be the regular home desktop spec levels and people wont care about the bloat... like XP was horrible back in 2001/2 when 256mb RAM was the norm :)
Windows 7 will be using the bigger version kernel of minWin. They were really taken aback by the cirticizm of Vista for the large kernel.

But 2010 is a bit too much optimistic. I was expecting it around 2012.
Its good news, nonetheless but what about compatibility. Vista has faced one the most compatibility issues. Hope this time they comeout with an Excellent and imporved XP and not improved Vista.

If the news is confirmed then , I wont upgrade to Vista now. Will pull one with XP for two more years and then get the Windows 7.