Windows 7 "Device Stage" - Nice Approach

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To know what Device Stage is in the first place, check out these few articles -

Ars@PDC: The new "Device Stage" in Windows 7
Video: Windows 7 Device Stage on Eee PC S101 running dual-core Atom - Engadget
Windows Device Experience
Windows 7 Device Stage - SuperSite Blog
Device Stage
Device Stage provides a new way for users to interact with their cell phones, cameras, printers, and portable media players from the Windows 7 desktop.

Device Stage provides a visual interface that makes it easy for users to find and use applications and services for their devices. Device Stage also provides a multifunction version of AutoPlay. Through a new set of XML schemas supported in Windows 7, device makers can define applications and services that are specific to each device, which are presented and executed within the Device Stage interface.

For portable devices, Device Stage supports the industry standard Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) 1.0 with new service-enhanced features in Windows 7.
I was not sure whether any of my present devices would be supported or even show up in this new UI, so when i connected my Nokia N85, i was pleasantly suprised to see it showing up like this -

The other screenshots which i have seen on the net at those sites show that this interface can be made much more interactive and can become the primary location for all the info for your device.
Eg. It can replace the Launch Application of Nokia PC Suite.
Any of your devices showing up in the Device Stage?
It is accessible via the Devices and Printers from the Start Menu.
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nice update mate:cool2:
hope this leads to a time when we can plug-in n out our devices like any other peripheral. this is really cool feature for sure:hap2:
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