Windows 7 - Finally RTM?

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A major partner of MS, Displax have put up a post on their twitter page about 12 hours back which reads:
MSFT Windows 7 was today delivered for RTM - Released to Manufacturing - enabling Multitouchabout 12 hours ago from TwitterFox


Hopefully, this is true. Waiting for the release to show up.
If you're talking about the build 7600.16384, then it was a build of the RTM branch compiled on 10/07/2009. It was not the final RTM. This post of twitter however claims that RTM has now been signed off. Most probably it is build 7600.16385 signed on 14/07/2009.
All talk are speculation until MS confirms it. That said, there are a few members on mydigitallife who claim to be working for Lenovo and are saying that their company already has the RTM Gold Code and are conducting internal tests.

The company which put up the twitter entry, Displax, is a major partner for Microsoft and were involved in the R&D for Multi-touch devices for MS. Multi-touch as we all know, will be a major component for MS which is expected to bring in a lot of moolah for them. :D If they are claiming that RTM has been reached and MS has handed over the same to its partners, then it cannot be said that it is a rumour.

If you go to the twitter page I posted above, then clicking on Displax will take you to their homepage.
so the ones available on torrents and other warez sites is not the RTM version(7600) ?

Wow, this is confusing :S
Windows 7 RTM


Can down from link below

[mod] Windows 7 RTM is not a free version to download. ANy links for the same will not be allowed.[/mod]
Latest rumour..I dont know how genuine it is.. But its spreading like news.

6.1.7600.16385.090713-1255 is RTM ! which is signed off..

More info.. **added**

This morning, Moscow time (in the United States was the evening) signed gold code release to manufacturers Windows 7 RTM:

Even last night (16 hours for MSK 16.07.2009 year), we told you about the preliminary results of a vote on the final "gold code" Windows 7 INTERNATIONAL and wondering what in the vote cast 24 votes against discussing 6.1.7600.16385.090713 build - 1255.,

and now we see that those votes "against" vote and have now withdrawn the decision taken unanimously, as we have all of you and congratulations.

Continuation of the article should be ..

In a few hours Microsoft will officially confirm that Windows 7 RTM milestone has been reached and even better it´s build 6.1.7600.16385.

Full buildstring: 6.1.7600.16385.win7_rtm.090713-1255

Source : twiiter...
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