Windows 7 Gadgets Keep Moving Position After Reboot

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First it looks like this:

After reboot it looks like this:

I did some googling and apparently this happens only with the 64-bit version.

I've been facing this problem ever since I started using my computer (even after multiple clean installs of the OS). Have you guys experienced this before?
doesn't happen on mine. i've installed 64bit from day one and tried lots of gadgets. made one of my own containing a flash file just for kicks. this never happened to me.

is the gadget made to snap to the desktop edges?
There were some recent security updates by Microsoft after which they were going to disable the gadgets completely from Win7. This was because of some security exploit using gadgets which could allow the attacker to take control over your PC.
Refer these links:
Microsoft Security Advisory (2719662): Vulnerabilities in Gadgets Could Allow Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Urges Users to Shut Down Windows Gadgets or Risk Attack | PCWorld
It would be safe to disable them urself for now.

Even I use 64bit OEM and a licensed 64bit on other machine. Never seen this problem on both of them. I have stopped using gadgets for over a month now.
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