Windows 7 installing query

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I had downloaded windows 7& got the serial from MS site, but due to busy schedule I dint installed it that time.

Now when I went to MS site looking for latest version I get to know that beta is not available for download, mine is build 7000 as far as I remember.

Was any newer version released after v7000?

If I install this older version & use the serial will it be working till Aug 09 or will it expire in a month?

I don't want to install if its for a month, just want to be sure before I test drive this.
No other build has been released so far.. Mine is still build 7000 only, and I update regularly.. SO go ahead and install the Se7en, and enjoy the beta upto August.. :)
Yes... you will need the serial for activating the beta version. But even if you don't have a serial, I think you can try it out for a month.
And about the build number, I'm pretty sure there was no other build released. Try a search within TE.. if at all there was a new build, I'm sure there would have been a mention of it somewhere in TE.. :P

A line mentioned in the parent article from Neowin:
There you go! Windows 7 build 7047 is ready (internally) and who knows, build 7048 might be in progress!

Windows 7 reaches build 7047
It implied the build 7047 is not available for public.. The comments in the page also point to the fact the public are stuck to the 7000 build only..
I think I've mentioned it before - don't try the intermediate builds. Some of them are fakes, some might have malware, and you might not get security patches for them. If you want to use the beta, use build 7000, if you want later builds, wait until MS releases them.
While installing I skipped the key as it was on another partition now I have the key but where do I input the key to activate windows else it will expire in 30 days.

It must be simple but I cant figure it out.
Quite dumb but found the answer myself

click start

right click on computer>properties on the bottom

click on change product key

Activated successfully but it does not say anything like it will expire in Aug 2009.
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