Windows 7 RC officially released for public

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avi_avadhut said:
bloody going damn slow for me....
i can browse other sites but this download is going insane slow.. :(
started with 180kbps @9.15AM and completed 20% real fast..... but now i guess too many connections..... going 7kbps:@

Same for me...Started at 300-400 and now 80 :(
Looks like i'll have to stay in office late 2day...:P
err I already have Win7 x64 - 7100 build (leaked) which i got from torrents.

The file name is


and the size is 3.04 GB.

should I download it again from M'soft ? How do i check the MD5 hash ?
FaH33m said:
err I already have Win7 x64 - 7100 build (leaked) which i got from torrents.

The file name is

and the size is 3.04 GB.

should I download it again from M'soft ? How do i check the MD5 hash ?

Seems u stuck in same dilemma that i m into :P. Simply right click and in properties u'll see tag MD5 :D
If someone can give a pointer as to what the improvements are compared to the beta version (build 7000), it would help me decide whether to download or not.
hp-india said:
If someone can give a pointer as to what the improvements are compared to the beta version (build 7000), it would help me decide whether to download or not.

The biggest reason for u to download 7100 is build 7000 would expire on 1 Aug,09 and if u want to use Windows 7, u will have to install RC then.
So, why not install RC now and stay happy for 13 months. :)
Party Monger said:
32 bit links any one????

Come on!!!!

sri_k said:
hey i got different key for X86?is it okay?

The keys are generated once u login to the hotmail/msn/live account.Hence it varies for everyone.I would request peeps not to post the keys in the forum.
1. Beta keys work fine with RC. I had activated mine using the beta keys a few days back.

2. To those thinking of whether you should update from 7000 to 7100, yes you should. There are various system wide changes. Not any major change as such (except for the UAC change), but various small UI tweaks.

Why are you download 32 bit? Why not go for the 64 bit one?
Can folks post the hash/checksum (for x64 at least) for the official public or technet/msdn download again?

Does MS not post checksums on their site?

I started my download a few minutes ago, will take 15 hrs for the 3 GB x64 download, will do a clean install this weekend!
^^Even i needed the MD5/checksum to check the earlier Torrent i had downloaded.

couldn't confirm it started the Microsoft download few mins back. at download speed of 2000 kbps ,it should be over in 3-4 hours. :D.
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