Windows 7 rtm vs retail

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hello TEvians. Can any of u tell me the actual differnce between RTM and retail version of win 7 ?.

I heard that the final build of win 7 is 7600. 16386 which is going to be the official retail release of windows 7. Is this true ???.

The curent RTM verision is 16385, right ? .

plz explain ....
This post is about the path from RC to what we call RTM, release to manufacturing. RTM is not one point in time but a “process” as from RTM we enable the PC manufacturers to begin their processes of building Windows 7 images for new PCs, readying downloads for existing machines, and preparing the full supply chain to deliver Windows 7 to customers. Thus RTM is the final stage in our engineering of Windows 7, but the engineering continues from RTM until you can purchase Windows 7 and Windows 7 PCs in stores at General Availability, or GA.

So I see RTM as the final development of Windows before OEM's add there bits for GA or retail.

The term "release to manufacturing" or "release to marketing" (both abbreviated RTM)—also known as "going gold"—is used to indicate that the software has met a defined quality level and is ready for mass distribution either by electronic means or by physical media. RTM usually does not mean the software is actually released, it would in most cases mean that the software is being released to manufactureres, for pre-installation on ready machines, or for the manufacturer to adjust the software for their manufactured hardware and settings. The term does not define the delivery mechanism, it only states that the quality is sufficient for mass distribution. The deliverable from the engineering organization is frequently in the form of a gold master CD used for duplication or to produce the image for the web.

In most if not all cases, RTM happens prior to general availability GA where the product is released to the public.

Reference - Software release life cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
using win 7 x64 rtm on my lappy now.its running gr8, mucch better that Vista Sp2 ever r also performing better.
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