Windows 7 'Unidentified network' error!

Hey buddy....why don't you configure your modem to PPPoE as I said before?? It'd be much easy and simple for now and later if you wish to use Linux or so.

You'd see many modes out there. But the Bridged mode should be turned on and working. Turn that off and Turn on PPPoE mode. Click Next, provide the username and password there and just save and reboot it.

Well...The steps might be somewhat different as I don't use Airtel, If you would have used BSNL I'll be able to share you the whole configuration.
Mephistopheles said:
I also sometimes get this problem and it is very frustrating :mad:, restarting the modem is the only way I can cure this. Sometimes my network is identified but it says no internet connection when infact I can use my internet from the WLAN of my laptop

In Event viewer I get an error "dhcp-client", The error is :

There are many such errors at regular intervals of time in my event viewer

The thing is that my adapter is named "Local Area Connection 3" and Im not able to remove the 3 from the name, it says that I already have used that name on some other network adapter but i do not have any other network adapter :(
I suggested this earlier also. Change the name of your adapter to Internet or something else and restart and see whether your problem is solved. It worked for me. :)