Windows Vista Screenshots and Features


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Alright guys the setup begins and I am greeted by a slick interface which btw doesnt look anything like DOS and is mouse enabled. So I click and select the partition and also whether I want to format or not among 4-5 other options.
It takes a long time due to may pathetic hardware to install. BTW I wont have aero coz I am on GF2MX remember.. didnt you read AIDW moron??

Now after installation it asks me my user name and password.. and on the next screen.... it gives me 6 wallpapers to choose from. :p
Anyway the navigation of Vista is nothing like XP and it will take getting used to at first.

SO now the screenshot exhibition starts..

Login screen. Woah.. this is awesome.

Welcome screen.. as you can see on top bar I have shitty hardware. Well I wish I was as poor as darky.

My Computer. Looks slick, now I dont need those softwares loaded like window blinds for this stuff. Notice the cool glassy status bar of HDD.

My C drive. This is the new navigation and folder view which will take some time to get familiar with. Looks overwhelming at first.

My Pictures folder. Notice the information bar at the bottom.

Now notice how that information bar has changed when i select multiple images.

The all new looking control panel. Believe me its not as simple as it looks on the first page. :p

Control panel -> System and Maintenance. Hmmm.. well it isnt complicated after all.

No propeties on right click. Instead you see personalize and this window is what came up after you click on personalize. Neat.

Well this is what you get when you right click on MyComputer and then select properties. Remember we used to get computer info in XP this way.. yes this is it on Vista. Notice that I am using genuine windows.. finally. :rofl:
Hmmm.. whats that performance rating link.. lets explore.

Oh so it benchmarks the performance of my computer hardware as a whole. Yipeee I got an overall rating of 1. How cool is that. I own all you high-end noobs on my GeForce2MX. Oh see there is a link which says, 'What does this number mean?'. Hmm lets see what it means.
For example, if this computer has a System Performance Rating of 3, then you can confidently purchase any software designed for this version of Windows that requires a computer with a rating of 3 or less.
Damn!! My hardware isnt all that elite after all.

The result of pressing ctrl+alt+del.

Now the task manager. Notice that I am running the game of chess, MSpaint and IE.
Total RAM usage = 663MB
Chess = 109MB
IE = 77MB
Paint = 40MB
Well this is when my elite computer has a rating of 1 and there are lots of features that are disabled. Imagine how would it shoot up with all the features enabled and with all the regular apps like messenger and anti-virus running. Guys get 2GB memory or you would feel like working on XP on 256MB.

The all new side bar that was the first thing you must have noted about Vista in the transformation packs. Well we can add and remove gadgets in this bar. The centre window has the list of available gadgets and we can download more online.
On the side bar from top to bottom I am running...
CPU and memory meter (good thing)
Slideshow viewer for MyPictures folder
Analog clock
RSS feeds viewer (now how cool is that)
With the RSS feeds viewer I can keep check of all the threads on TE as and when they are created/updated, without even visiting TE. Unfortunately as of now TE RSS is not working for IE7. Also notice that I have yahoo messenger and MSN Live beta messenger running now. I love beta softwares. :p

The desktop view with start menu on. See that recently used programs field.. now check next image and observe the difference between XP menu and vista menu.

With vista comes the feature of observing connectivity between your network hardware and nodes. Notice it shows a red cross since the network adapter drivers are still not installed.
Also notice the all programs menu. It does not open a new mouseover menu, instead it just shows the all programs content in the same frequently-used-programs box when you move the mouse over it.

Oh well something from linux. New save-as dialogue box.

WMP.. my favorite player.

An all new image browser. Looks like WMP interface.

Some Media centre shit. I dont have the hardware so I didnt bother configuring it.

Some stupid warning message when autorun the driver cd. Well there are just too many warnings in Vista.

Oh look tabbed browsing.. finally.

Our own TechEnclave.. looks shitty without the drivers but I was too excited to wait for them to download and then install and then reboot and then take screenshots. :p
There are lots and lots of very minor changes in the interface which makes it cool. I cannot point out all of em here but they are surely noticeable.

In the end I hope someone with a better hardware posts better screens coz even the slideshow would run in basic mode on my computer. Or its better that you imagine the transparency of Aero interface with the above screenshots.

User Account Management

There are a number of restrictions you can set on a user account without getting into registry. Thats the power of Vista for you. You can even monitor the account usage, like which websites were visited most and which media was played in WMP. Now this is some scary shit for some. :bleh:

The parental control main page after you select an account to manage.

The web filter in an all new point and click interface. Well the whole parental control is point ad click.

You can set time restrictions for users. Prepare the complete weekly chart on hour basis by just clicking on the hours to block usage.

The gaming filter.

Set user access for specific games that are installed on the system.

You can even specify which game ratings are fine for which user by selecting these options

Pretty descriptive stuff.. eh.

Setup specific program access. Now how wicked can you get.

Now the mother of all. The activity logs. As you can see you can run but you cant hide.. and of course cant escape from your parents love if they see this page. Of course you can be a good boy and escape the thrashing.
Having said all that these settings will more likely be used by kids to monitor and block their parents.
That ends your TE exclusive Windows Vista Beta2 tour. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Now I want you all to act like guinea pigs and start using this OS so that I come to know of all the probs that I may run into if I use it on my laptop as primary OS. :p
How much RAM does the Windows Vista takes...right after you start the computer?

because when I downloaded this took 600mb ram...:(
Yes that is right, it takes that much memory right after you install and run it with nothing running. Which is exactly why I (and ofcourse Microsoft) said that you MUST have 1GB of memory and preferably 2GB. Otherwise you feel like running XP on 256. And how would you play games without 2GB.

I was thinking of selling 1GB OCZ laptop ram. But now I guess Ill keep both the 1GB sticks after all. Bikey you listening? Now you know why I purchased 2GB :p. Well Darky and Karan were two of the few peeps who got me to purchase 2GB and I am glad I did.
lol..ofcourse it'll be slow due to atleast 2 reasons

1. he's using gf2mx

2. gfx driver (forceware) not installed :lol:

btw ren u cud have posted the images in .jpg format

some of the pics are abt 1 MB in size..i can't waste my BW this way :p

nice work and well done. :)
what about the excessive security popups paul thurrot complained about? Could you delete shortcuts from the desktop without vista wanting you to sign in triplicate and one month's notice?
Yeah there are too many security pop-ups. Even when you autorun a cd. I have one screenshot wherein it wants to know if I really want to autorun the asus driver cd, when I was trying to install network card drivers. Too many while browsing or/and downloading too.
Well when I tried to delete the yahoo shortcut, first it asked for confirmation the usual windows way, then it told me I need admin privileges to do it, I clicked on continue, then it showed a window which was estimated time required to complete the operation, then it took me User Account Control Dialogue which needed my permission coz it had detected unauthorized changes to my computer.

@quick- yes I could have but we know how pathetic images become when we save it to jpg using MS paint. And I didnt have anything else installed on that 20GB HDD. Damn I just plugged in the other 2 HDD and it autoran every damn partition. Thank god it doesnt do that each time I boot, was only for the first time.

@archish- no it wasnt very slow. At least not so coz of gfx. It felt okay but then I did not load it up with any apps. BTW that card has only 64MB while minimum recommended is 128MB. Also the mouse pointer wasnt choppy and the browser scroll was behaving better than it does without display drivers installed in XP.
@Renegade : yeah mate, keep up the good work :D..

win vista looks good but it takes up 600mb of ram!! wow thats a lottt .. maybe in the final version it will take a lot less...


stormblast said:
great stuff renegate. keep up the good work

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OMG this just made my day, err evening, whatever :p

oh and btw ren, u messed up the pics, dont use that imageshack's resize option,, DIY with irfamview ;)
grrrr.. blast imageshack.. ill just correct that
Edit - corrected that.. seems I somehow clicked on the resize button while uploading.
Edit2 - blast stormblast
Renegade said:
Now the mother of all. The activity logs. As you can see you can run but you cant hide.. and of course cant escape from your parents love if they see this page. Of course you can be a good boy and escape the thrashing.

This is invasion of privacy..

very bad feature :p
OMG crazy i'm now absolutely in dillemna whether i shud sell off my ram or not as i really though of using vista as mainstream :(.
Renegade said:
Having said all that these settings will more likely be used by kids to monitor and block their parents.

haha true :p so what do you say ren.. vista worth upgrading to ?
bottle said:
haha true :p so what do you say ren.. vista worth upgrading to ?
Hell yes.. I would kill to get it. On what I have seen and read so far its clearly a generation leap. Who would not want a high-tec OS. These people are getting closer to making my wallpaper a reality. BTW I could not run bitcomet on vista.:p
rene > i have 1 gig of ram is it really necesary to upgrade for running games and stuffs and shud i do it "now" ?
sadly i have 2 512 sticks have to sell em first.
and yea one thing temme tht how the drivers works yahoo works msn? how about the chipset drivers? :p
x86 said:
rene > i have 1 gig of ram is it really necesary to upgrade for running games and stuffs and shud i do it "now" ?
sadly i have 2 512 sticks have to sell em first.
and yea one thing temme tht how the drivers works yahoo works msn? how about the chipset drivers? :p
1GB is sufficient for now. Its like XP on 512Mb. Yahoo, MSN and the other drivers work just fine. It even has auto compatibility mode, so once you install something it asks you whether it installed properly. If you choose no then it runs the setup again with some compatibility mode on its own.
For gfx chipset you have to have the WDDM drivers so that you can see aero and all. Nvidia has released a Vista beta 2 driver pack. But even without those drivers it runs fine, just that you wont get to see all the eyecandy of aero.
Gr8 work Ren ! Reps for Ya ! :)

Now the mother of all. The activity logs. As you can see you can run but you cant hide.. and of course cant escape from your parents love if they see this page. Of course you can be a good boy and escape the thrashing.

That suks ! Is There any way that I can disable This Feature ? As quickfire said its an invasion of Privacy !