Windows XP CD damaged

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I have a original licensed copy of windows XP that I bought in the US from my university. A few days back my old pc's motherboard stopped working so I assembled a new one however, my windows xp cd isn't working properly now and when I try to install xp I get a stop screen error that ends with something ... pci.sys.....

How can I now get a copy of windows that will work with the legal cd key I have. I tried the key with another windows cd but it told me that the key was not valid. I'm guessing there is some difference between the two cd's the one tried being the retail version but I'm not sure what they call the version I bought from my university (OEM ?).
well not a good way but look at torrents , for a oem copy of windows download burn n run, the key will work.
what 200mph said above it the KEY for ur problems answer buddy....

just download an OEM copy of WINDOWS XP (edition u have key for) and while installing just add in the serial Key Provided with ur Legit XP cd.

incase u are not aware of how to get one thru torrents.. u can always visit places like Fort/CST in mumbai or other places like these to get urself One

Dinesh Malhotra
Both the above solutions are illegal.

In this particular case you have to write to MS support. They will issue replacement media at what is known as media cost to you at your address.

Supply your license information. Remember that the license is to operate the software on one PC, so if you make a new PC you need a different copy of the OS - unless you destroy the old one.

In this case you need to tell them the PC stopped operating and you had to change out the motherboard. They will ship you a new CD of the particular version you own (I suspect it may be an educational version), and with which the license will work.

Edit: The Licese cost and media cost make up the total cost of the product. The license cost is much higher, and the media cost is usually small change.
I had made a backup copy of my XP OEM CD just in case , used it once to install it and although it worked fine , i had problems Activating it.

Installed with the Original CD and it worked !

so get the replacement media from MS like sangram said.
Don't assume just any OEM CD will work for you - they distribute different builds with different keys... so your keys may only work with one particular set of OEM CDs... sangram's solution is best.
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