Windows xp DirectX10

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Happy Singh

hi all

can windows xp 32bit or 64bit run with direct x 10?

If so let my known the procedure,or give me any link to download

Short answer... NO!

There have been some independent projects trying to get DX10 working on XP, but as far as I remember, there hasn't been any definitive success for any. Basically, the way Vista's display driver/model works is way different than XP's and DX10 is major part of this new Driver Model (WDDM).
iGo said:
Short answer... NO!

There have been some independent projects trying to get DX10 working on XP, but as far as I remember, there hasn't been any definitive success for any. Basically, the way Vista's display driver/model works is way different than XP's and DX10 is major part of this new Driver Model (WDDM).

ok....then for direct x games we have to use vista or 7?
if so which is better for gaming 7 or vista as windows 7 is
going 2 fully release on oct 22

comments plzzzzzz
Window 7.... to be frank, there not a whole lot of difference between Win7 and Vista when it comes to gaming performance. But I would say Win7 is better choice as an overall OS. Plus you get DX11, future-proof OS and newer titles will get optimized for Win7 even if they are not DX11 title.
iGo said:
Window 7.... to be frank, there not a whole lot of difference between Win7 and Vista when it comes to gaming performance. But I would say Win7 is better choice as an overall OS. Plus you get DX11, future-proof OS and newer titles will get optimized for Win7 even if they are not DX11 title.

I known win 7 is really amazing but if one has 2gb ram and wants to run dx10
then what to do? there should be some way..or in xp 64bit may be....replay
DX 10 and Windows XP dont' mix. So, if you have only 2 GB RAM i suggest you take Windows 7. Just installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 on one system with 2 gb RAM and Vista consumer a whopping 900Mb - 1.2GB on Idle on the Task Manager. While Windows 7 consumes a meager 400-500 Mb.
hash said:
DX 10 and Windows XP dont' mix. So, if you have only 2 GB RAM i suggest you take Windows 7. Just installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 on one system with 2 gb RAM and Vista consumer a whopping 900Mb - 1.2GB on Idle on the Task Manager. While Windows 7 consumes a meager 400-500 Mb.

So the final answer is no for dx10 in xp?
what about in xp 64bit?
2GB ram on Windows 7 will be much better compared 2GB on Vista... since Win7 is much better optimized and tweaked for scalability.

Secondly, amount of RAM will not help you a lot in gameplay experience apart from faster loading times. For better gameplay/visual experience... your graphic card counts.


You are still not getting it, are you?

THERE IS NO DX10 IN WINDOWS XP... 32-BIT or 64-BIT... just drop it!
iGo said:
2GB ram on Windows 7 will be much better compared 2GB on Vista... since Win7 is much better optimized and tweaked for scalability.
Secondly, amount of RAM will not help you a lot in gameplay experience apart from faster loading times. For better gameplay/visual experience... your graphic card counts.

You are still not getting it, are you?
THERE IS NO DX10 IN WINDOWS XP... 32-BIT or 64-BIT... just drop it!

Ok fine i got the answer of xp 32bit but was not sure about xp 64bit.
that's why i asked, at last got the answer no dx10 for Windows xp 32bit and
nor for 64bit:no:...thanks to all who helped me getting the answer:hap2:
I will be going with Windows 7 64bit finally :ohyeah:
7 is running better than XP on my pc to be honest and i have a pc with 2GB DDR RAM so just go for Win7 w/o any 2nd thought :)
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