Windows XP Retirement Postponed, Again

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(Source: XFuture Blog)

Microsoft again extends Windows XP retirement showing OEMs and consumers still not fond of Vista

Windows XP has been a huge hit in the netbook market. It's strange to see Microsoft's older operating system still being more popular with many users than its newer Vista OS. If Microsoft had its way, XP would have been retired long ago and all Windows-based notebooks and netbooks would be running Vista by now.

Despite what Microsoft wants to see computer maker's use, the software giant has offered Windows XP alongside Vista since the launch of its newest OS. The software company has announced the retirement date for the XP operating system in the past, which was to have been June of 2008.

So many consumers and computer makers wanted to continue using Windows XP in low cost netbook systems that Microsoft extended the June deadline for retirement. The final cut off date was set to be January 31, 2009 after postponing the June deadline earlier this year.

Microsoft has now announced yet another delay in retiring Windows XP from the market. BBC News reports that Microsoft has announced that it will continue to allow Windows XP to ship until May 30, 2009. The catch is that vendors have to submit their XP sales forecasts by January 31, 2009.

Microsoft will allow the vendors to take shipments of XP based on their sales forecast through May 30, 2008. Microsoft still says that the next operating system, Windows 7, won’t be offered until late 2009 or 2010.

Despite that claim, ASUS has stated that it expects to offer netbooks running Windows 7 by mid-2009. The new May retirement date would jibe well with ASUS' claims of Windows 7 netbook availability.

Again extending the retirement deadline for XP is a sign that consumers and OEMs are still resistant to Windows Vista. Much of the issue is with netbooks where the little machines aren’t large enough to offer hardware powerful enough to provide a robust Vista experience.

DailyTech - Windows XP Retirement Postponed, Again
That's good news. I hope Windows 7 lives up to its hype, and then Microsoft can think of retiring XP. Vista is painfully slow on even 1gb RAM machines.
While it extends xp deadline, Ms is busy fine tuning win7 for netbooks..Once they finish that, Win7 will be ready for world domination..

Im using it since a month or more, and im loving it..I've never had a windows version thats this responsive and fast and yet full of features, on mediocre hardware..two thumbs up for Win7..
Hope Windows 7 will not be the performance downgrade that Vista was. Really hope Microsoft learns a thing or two from open source linux flavours like install/boot from USB, CDROM etc, complete customization, really usuable apps, fast boot etc.
M$ should first release OS which belongs to speed and performance and can support all XP softwares and drivers.. Then they should think about XP Retirement..

Still XP rules over vista according to performance...
Windows XP can only die when MS really push hardware vendors & they stop releasing drivers for it on newer hardware....

Remember Win98.... ;)
Emperor said:
^^ I think XP will rules over NEXT MS OS too!

Ya, it will. Why don't u use Windows 98?
It will rule over anything u are using currently. A OS that is more than 8 years old and u guys are still arguing that it is fast. Come on, wasn't Win 98 faster than XP. So what the f***?

Vista is faster than XP for me in Games and ya it needs some good hardware. Who cares. RAM costs 400bucks a gig. At the time i got my XP machine, 256MB RAM was 1500 bucks. For the same price now u can get 3GB RAM which is sufficient to make Vista smooth enuf.

And Windows 7 is Good. I tried it and it runs even faster than Vista. Lets just hope that the final version will be even better. Oh! And we are looking at the prebeta just now. Imagine, refinements in the beta and then the final.
It will definitely be good.:)
It all depends if someone wants to accept something new or just stick to the vanilla stuff they are using just because they feel home with it. :bleh:


Have u faced any compatibility issues with Windows 7 till now? Are u using it as ur primary OS?
clown_abhi said:
se they feel home with it. :bleh:


Have u faced any compatibility issues with Windows 7 till now? Are u using it as ur primary OS?
Yes its my primary Os..

There are no issue as such..just one of Nvidia drivers crapping up once in a while..Over all its very stable and of xp, vista and 7, on the same laptop, win7 rules bigtime..:D
Emperor said:
When peopel prefer to degrade from Vista to XP... are M$ blind to .... :hap2:


XP is such a gem ! :hap2:

Frankly,If MS could release a "Visual Improvements Package :bleh: " and threw in a few features for XP,I'd be settled ! :ohyeah:
I hope Windows 7 turns out to be the bomb!!

MS has good programmers, they just seem to be lazy and with Apple increasing it's market share it's time MS makes a super OS.

On another note we have such awesome hardware these days, but the software is utter crap. Coders need to write efficient programs that utilize the available resources.
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