winxp booting problem


I have some of the booting issues in winxp

1.It reboots before winxp screen comes.I tried with scandisk /r etc.but could not solve the problem.I cannot format the disk as it contains some of the application which u can't install later.Is it the problem with boot sector?if so how to repair the MBR? any software available?i tried Hiren boot cd but not able to solve.

2. My next problem is safemode booting:I can't boot my system in safe mode.It restarts the moment i sected safe mode option.Pls advise my how to fix the safe mode booting problem. Pls advise me the solution as i am helpless to solve above mentioned problems
no way mate when you repair your MBR, then the whole partition will get corrupt, as a result you will have to reinstall your OS. So i would suggest you to reinstall your os.
No way mate/
Might also be a hardware related issue.. open the cabinet, check for any loose wires, any component heating up drastically and clean the system.. check if the CPU fan & PSU fan is working or not...

do you get a BSOD before the system restarts, if yes... remember the code and google around to check what causes that error...

It'll be something like 0x00005 or something...