That's interesting about the software noise canceling.
I ended up buying "Jabra Elite 75t" the renewed ones for 4.8k.
Call quality seems great on phone, haven't tested - it has 4 mics . battery life awesome.
Best: Controls are amazing!! most actions are customizable with the app . 2 buttons on each earphone - changed the left button single press to rewind- perfect for audiobooks. 2 to change anc mode. long press right in vol+ , long press left vol- (can't be changed)
Only con: the design is the go deep into ear variety, which I hate, suffocating and painful. This is fixable by wearing it loose and with the small caps. But on doing so anc becomes meaningless. I am still exploring it. maybe I'll find a more comfortable way to use these, or get used to the feeling. Its not a big deal though. Because otherwise they are very comfortable
Overall I am extremely happy.