I just won ebay.com auction for a Lumia 822.
The seller had listed the product as used but there were no original images of the phone. He just used the stock image of the phone and uploaded that. Also , he didn't provided any info regarding phone's condition , scratches,cracks etc.
I had requested for better quality pics and i'm awaiting his response.
1st query:
Now, if the phone's condition turns out pretty bad, can i backout from the auction ?
2nd query:
Seller accept payment via paypal. I have a verified paypal id linked with my bank account.
Few days back, the Transaction password for Net banking got blocked by mistake and i'm unable to send funds from my bank account via Net banking.
So, is there any other method by which i can transfer funds to my paypal account ?
I have a VISA Debit card of same bank (which is linked with paypal). Can it be used to transfer funds from my bank account to my paypal account ?
Also got a SBI debit card(VISA/ Not linked with paypal) and a HDFC Credit Card-VISA(my Dad's card).
Please help me out guys ..
P.S. : here's the link of the auction i won.
The seller had listed the product as used but there were no original images of the phone. He just used the stock image of the phone and uploaded that. Also , he didn't provided any info regarding phone's condition , scratches,cracks etc.
I had requested for better quality pics and i'm awaiting his response.
1st query:
Now, if the phone's condition turns out pretty bad, can i backout from the auction ?
2nd query:
Seller accept payment via paypal. I have a verified paypal id linked with my bank account.
Few days back, the Transaction password for Net banking got blocked by mistake and i'm unable to send funds from my bank account via Net banking.
So, is there any other method by which i can transfer funds to my paypal account ?
I have a VISA Debit card of same bank (which is linked with paypal). Can it be used to transfer funds from my bank account to my paypal account ?
Also got a SBI debit card(VISA/ Not linked with paypal) and a HDFC Credit Card-VISA(my Dad's card).
Please help me out guys ..
P.S. : here's the link of the auction i won.