World Cup FInal 2011 - Promo by aditya_reds

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I know there is already a thread abt the world cup but wanted to make a new one as this is what its all about...

spread the word & common team india..

if the mods want to merge the topic then no problem:)
^^ wtf are you doing watching a cricket video... did you go over to the other side too now that india has made it to the finals?
Really nice videos from where did you got all the footages?Also you can forward it to some channels and can get chance in editing work with them...
the footage's were taken from youtube from the official espnstar channel, they have posted highlights of all the world cup matches.. also took footage from the nike - bleed blue commercial...
Darthcoder said:
Try making a video even half as good as that before slagging others work.
You deserve a proper response

1) It requires zero skills in video making to spot. That's the point !

2) Slagging off implies no constructive inputs. Its knocking for the sake of it.

3) Pointing out spelling errors isn't slagging ;)

4) If you think that vid is that good, then all i can say is that there is a GAP between our aesthetic values. It relies on your own emotions for its impact in the sense its time bound. After the WC it won't have the same impact. Good for me means timeless. Maybe thats not compatible here, maybe it is. But thats ok, good enough for the moment and for an amateur effort.
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