Regen MP3 player powered by Yo-yo - New LaunchesThe ReGEN: Yo Yo Powered MP3 Player is the winner of the Pop Sci and Core77 challenge to create a human-powered device.
So what do you do if you see the low battery light ? Start Yo-yoing around 10 -12 tosses and you are good to go.
Dont worry about the headphones while you yo-yo as Bluetooth wireless headphones are included for your hearing pleasure.
Obviously, the REGEN concept is designed with durability in mind. If you hit the floor or the wall accidentally while doing your fancy tricks, your player will be fine. It has a capacity of 200 songs and is very simple to use.
Before you add the Regen MP3 player to your holiday shopping list, remember it is still a concept and might never make it to the stores.
REGEN concept puts an MP3 player in a yo-yo
Regen MP3 player powered by Yo-yo - New Launches