Graphic Cards Would getting a 5770 be a justifiable upgrade from 9800GT?

Thanks for all the input guys, I think I'm going to go with a second hand 5850. The reasons are:

First, I don't game much so power consumption is really not an issue, most of the time I'm working with VM's and makefile which hardly use the GPU.

Second, I have no interest in going for the next best thing, or getting a new card. I generally use a graphics card for a year, before selling it and buying the current second gen card from owners who are looking to upgrade to the next upcoming First gen card.(users of 5XXX looking to upgrade to 7XXX for example). I don't see the point of owning cutting edge tech. You might call me naive but in my case it makes perfect sense, 5850 can max out any game @ 1440x900 and I'm not exactly a "gamer" either. I do prefer cards with some warranty though.

Third, with the money saved, I can buy BF3 and Skyrim. I can't wait to own that cloth map of Skyrim.

Fourth, I've heard that the 5850 is quite the over-clocker, so if by chance I need more performance, I can always over clock the card. Plus it supports DX11, so I'm covered there as well.

What would be a reasonable price for a second hand 5850 with atleast a year warranty left? Also I'll be okay with a 460GTX 1GB version.

Thanks again for all the valuable inputs.


Ok just let me tell you that you can try open source driver I find them better . And the and drivers have sleep issues but not with the open source ones :) . I am looking for same hopefully someone wool trade my hd6770 with this card ;p

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thegatekeeper said:
For second hand 5850 with 1 year warranty left i would say 8 or 8.5k is a good price.

I totally agree with you.Couldnt be more right.However just a small hitch.From where can one expect to procure 5850 At about 8.5K with one year warranty left.

No one seems to be off loading their 5850's these last few weeks.If you are able to find one please also try for finding another one...Would love to SLI.
thegatekeeper said:
For second hand 5850 with 1 year warranty left i would say 8 or 8.5k is a good price.
Not sure about that, PrimeABGB has a new Asus 5850 selling for Rs. 10400/-. Asus card's are in general more expensive than their counterparts.
Amd provides crossfire support not sli,@rogues-are you sure price is giving 5850 for 10.4k or you must have been confused between 6850/5850.
freshseasons1 said:
I totally agree with you.Couldnt be more right.However just a small hitch.From where can one expect to procure 5850 At about 8.5K with one year warranty left.

No one seems to be off loading their 5850's these last few weeks.If you are able to find one please also try for finding another one...Would love to SLI.
Dear Sir,
We have Asus 5850- 1gb available @ 10400/-
Thanks & Regards

Karan Kumbhar
Website Manager
Tel: 022 6740 2006
Shop Online @ Prime ABGB Today's Cool Deal !

That's the mail I recieved in reply to...

From: Rogues [mailto*snip*]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 5:40 AM
Subject: 5850 and 460 GTX 1GB
I was wondering if you have the above graphics card in stock and what prices are they selling for. Thank you,

