WTB : A Guitar

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Darthcoder said:
Even am thinking of buying a guitar :D.
Rio, Any trip to Hyderabad planned yet??:P.I'll take you alongwith me to the guitar shop when you come to Hyderabad :P.
My budget is anywhere between 5-10K.I am a total n00b.Can I buy an electric guitar straight??Or Should I take a classical guitar first??Any ideas guys??

Do you guys by any chance know any place in Hyderabad which sells guitars??.
I will be coming to Hyderabad sometime in the next 3 months, but don't count on that... I'll try to hook you up with an old friend I used to have there, however. Did you know I lived in Hyderabad for 1.5 years back in 2000-01... in fact, sold one of my electric guitars to a guy who used to play for a church there :P It was a PMG with a floyd rose bridge.

And there is no rule that you have to learn first on an acoustic guitar... peope start out with acoustic because it's a small investment - an electric guitar will require a decent practice amp and possibly an effects unit as well. If you're going to play rock/metal, you *need* an electric guitar... don't listen to silly mumbo-jumbo that you can't learn on an electric guitar :D

It all depends on what kind of music you want to play and how much you have to invest in your first guitar... if you're going to Chennai anytime, I can help you. I know the owner of promusic and can get you a good deal on an electric.
I've been playing the guitar for a long long time - since my school days to be more precise. Since then I've experimented with a lot of indian makes. That is, Givson (copy of Gibson), Hobner (copy of Hofner), Signature, Granada (Furtado brand) and GBA (made by Bhargavas).

My own guitar is a Signature jumbo which sucks. It lacks proper bass or depth. The Hobners are definitely a better option, but just last year in Delhi, I came across a brand called GBA, which as mentioned earlier is made by Bhargavas. The GBA guitars are simply excellent. The build and finish is a very classy gloss look and the tone is perfect - though this is rather subjective. There's good depth (depends on the quality of wood used) and good bass. the pricing is a bit on the higher side, that is about 3.5k but quite worth it.

If you're from Mumbai, there's a Bhargavas guitar shop right next to the Enfield showroom at linking road, Bandra. Other than that, since tone is also subjective, go to a shop and try out all the models there. See what sort of sound you like better. For the rest, Rio's pretty much put everything nice and concisely for you :)
i was learning guitar from this guy who used to play in the church.. i own a hobner myself.. very very good guitar...

learnt for a few months after 12th.. since ihad dropped an year..

could play a few songs too :)... well atleast in my mind it souded similar :bleh:

but then havent practiced for more then 3 years now :(.. i feel soo bad.. all that hardwork gone down the drain. since i hardly remember anything!

my sister learns now..:)
tracerbullet, play with or played with any band? Curious because you've been playing 9 years...
Rio..How much wud it be for an electric guitar+some other required equipment (if any), as ave said my budget is 5-10K.Will try to make a trip to chennai or ask someone and shall inform you so that I can get a good deal,thanks :).
RiO said:
tracerbullet, play with or played with any band? Curious because you've been playing 9 years...
Nope, I've always done independent stuff. Although I may receive flak from my next statement - band culture simply sucks in India. I've always believed that going up on stage and playing a cover will get you nowhere. It's come to a point where you get plastic water bottles thrown at you if you attempt to play an original.
Well, for a start you will need a good guitar + practice amp. Let's talk about them separately:

1. For electric guitars, I do not recommend any Indian brand other than Tansen or PMG. I believe Harmony Musicals stopped manufacturing Tansen guitars after the owner passed away 4 years ago, but I can talk to a couple people from the old Tansen company to find out if some of their guitars are still floating around. PMG is ProMusic Guitars... they built great guitars with the help of an old guitar-maker called Tulsi Musicals... go to ProMusic on Casa Major Road (Egmore, Chennai) to see if they still build them. Your last bet is to go directly to Tulsi to make a custom guitar... you could get a good one made for 5 to 7k easily. Besides, his guitars are flawless because they put their hearts into making each one (I used to hang out there ages ago just to see them making guitars :)). Let me know if you need addresses/directions.

2. Practice amplifier: I've had a Stranger NS30 for practice, and it has lasted me 5+ years and still going strong... highly recommend the NS30 for rhythm/lead guitar over the Stranger Cube 40 (which is better for bass). It cost me 3.2k when I bought mine so expect to pay between 4 and 4.5k now. Alternatively, if you could spend more, get a Marshal 10w amp for practice... pretty powerful for solo practice and it has inbuilt distortion if you want to rock :)

3. Guitar effects: chorus, delay, distortion, preamp/EQ... don't get this right away, once you're more confident about the guitar, you can invest in a good multi-effects pedal like a zoom or digitech (boss is hardly available and they're expensive).
tracerbullet said:
Nope, I've always done independent stuff. Although I may receive flak from my next statement - band culture simply sucks in India. I've always believed that going up on stage and playing a cover will get you nowhere. It's come to a point where you get plastic water bottles thrown at you if you attempt to play an original.
Agreed, the bands I've played with wrote our own music and breathe/lived metal all the way... that's why we got disqualified from every show we did. The biggest was at Pondicherry (Jipmer) when we had to be escorted out of the college (after the show) by cops since the entire college was against us :D
RiO said:
Agreed, the bands I've played with wrote our own music and breathe/lived metal all the way... that's why we got disqualified from every show we did. The biggest was at Pondicherry (Jipmer) when we had to be escorted out of the college (after the show) by cops since the entire college was against us :D

What are the bands that you play/have played with? Incidentally, I have a tansen electric as well! But it's left-handed. (yeah I follow in the lines of McCartney, Hendrix, Cobain :) ) My amp is a 10watt marshal. I do most of my effects on the computer using software. But somehow, I play my acoustic a lot more than the electric. That's probably because I do a lot more plucking (flamenco style) than lead.
Darthcoder said:
^^ Waaaah!!Thanks Rio :).Reps to you :P.
Time I started saving up for my chennai trip :D.

Reps and saving up!

er.. except i have to get a job first :(
Tansens are usually decent quality, however I guess some Korean brands offer better worth with respect to qualtiy.

Hey you can get a custom made guitar by Luthiers (I know one in Chennai and one in Bombay). Tell me if you want more info.
Look for a guitar within your budget and decide what features are important, do you want a fixed-bridge or floating, tilt-back design or normal, etc. First, which city are you in? I can help you in Chennai and Bangalore.

Every guitar will need to be professionally setup to sound and feel great... my Tansen's feel is as good as the Jackson, only difference is the overall sound quality and harmonics.
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