WTB: Steelpad QCK Mini Mousepad

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I dont have an account :p ..... I was just curious coz all these guys are making plans to use ICICI accounts....

OH, and Girish.....dont wait for me to buy..... I may or may not buy..... depends on if I can scrape together enugh funds to buy a new mouse.... :'(
ya we can use, ice's a/c too , if you have icici bank a/c's then we can use ice's a/c otherwise i have a mdfc a/c and any online bank a/c can tranfer payment to it i guess. but it takes like 2-3 days. but if u have and hdfc a/c it tranfers immedeatly :) so lemme know,

@ switch ill call ya tomo :),

and ya guys qck just got outta stock but will be back in stock in a week or 2 so then you can buy, it will be again up in stock the online store :)
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