WWE 13 Online Axxess Problem

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Hi Guys,

So I just got the WWE 13 PS3 version from flipkart but I am unable to go online with it. When I try to redeem the online code from the dashboard, it says invalid code and when I try to do it from within the game it says content unavailable. Did some google and from what I can understand it maybe because the disc is region 1(US) and therefore online wont work on indian psn account.

If this indeed is the case, then I want my money back. This will be a case of false advertising, hell I paid 3 grand for it. It would suck if we would be stuck with single player experience only as some of the DLC and community creations are awesome.

I got the WWE 12 wrestlemania edition sometime back from flipkart as well but the online code in that worked just fine.

If there is anyone with a similar problem or perhaps with a solution to this problem, kindly post here.
WWE games in India are from US Region and DLC does not work with different region and flipkart never mentioned the region on product.

Why not create US Account ?
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@Bluffmaster - I am not sure it would be fair to blame Flipkart. I was hunting for a game/games (Resistance: The Trilogy) on Saturday and landed up at 4 stores but since I had seen your I decided to keep an eye open for WWE 13.

The stores that I went to are -
Landmark (Infiniti Mall)
Games: The Shop (Infiniti Mall)
Game4U (Mega Mall)

What I saw at 3 stores was that the importer (Milestone Interactive) had stuck a sticker at the back of the box on top of the Region Logo. At 1 store I saw that the game Region was 1. Some games do have Region on the side but WWE 13 didn't.
Copies at Landmark and Alfa had the sticker but don't clearly remember if the sticker was absent at Games: The Shop or Game4U. I think it was Games: The Shop.

Anyways, generally the packing that is seen at Landmark is the same that is found elsewhere I don't know why Games's copy didn't have the importer sticker. I believe all copies were Region 1 and there is no way to tell without opening the pack.

Hence, even if you had asked them to verify the region before sending they wouldn't be able to without opening the package.
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Just an update, I had to create a new PSN ID selecting US as my region. Through that ID I was able to download Online axxess from the PS Store using the key on the back of the box. I then switched to my original PSN ID and since the online axxess had already been downloaded on my system, I was able to access it from within the game. But do keep in mind that this trick works only for online axxess, you still won't be able to download any DLC. Well, atleast I can play matches online now. Thats better then nothing.
Just an update, I had to create a new PSN ID selecting US as my region. Through that ID I was able to download Online axxess from the PS Store using the key on the back of the box. I then switched to my original PSN ID and since the online axxess had already been downloaded on my system, I was able to access it from within the game. But do keep in mind that this trick works only for online axxess, you still won't be able to download any DLC. Well, atleast I can play matches online now. Thats better then nothing.

i got "WWE '13 Fan Axxess (Game Pack)" & " WWE '13 Online Axxess (Game Pack) but they dont work for me also :( can someone help me with this?
Just an idea??? Will it work??

we can create a us psn account and download wwe 13 dlc from it from tht us psn account.
after that cant we play & access those dlc's from our normal indian psn account??

new to this n planning to buy wwe 13 only if dlc works in india. ANYHOW.... !!!
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