X-Men Origins: Wolverine - First Hand Impressions (5+ hours of play) with Screenshots

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Here it is guys... fresh impressions from a Wolverine fanatic who's been aching to play this game for a long time!

My specs:
Athlon64 X2 6000+
MSI 8800GT
Resolution - 1920x1080 (22in WS Monitor)
One of the most beautiful games i've seen in my life. It's shocking to see how smooth this plays even on the resolution I set it on (i thought it was going to sputter and choke since my Crysis benchmarks were mediocre).

Lush lighting effects, shadows and blood everywhere ensure tons of particles are flying on-screen at once... but I hardly experienced any slowdown. This is one "port" which has been done justice to (cough* GTA4* LEARN PLEASE).
In essence, XMO:W is a button masher, and a repetitive one at that. But who said this can't be fun? I've been pulling similar moves for the past 5 hours and i'm just getting warmed up. The animations, cut-scenes, stunning visuals and variety make sure your button-mashing experience is a top notch thrillride. It was hard for me to pry myself away just to eat dinner; "just 5 more mins, just one more level, just till the next checkpoint..." would be running through my mind time and time again.

Being a Wolverine fan, this game puts you in his shoes better than any game has ever done before; when you're surrounded by enemies, nothing is more satisfying than pulling off a rage combo and seeing blood and limbs flying everywhere; then, silence... oh how gratifying it feels!
I surprisingly didn't feel the need to tweak any settings... they felt perfect from the beginning. I'm using the default mouse+keyboard setup and never felt a need to use a gamepad like I did for other Console Ports (Spiderman: Web of Shadows, etc).

Uses the standard WSAD/space bar for getting around, the C button as an 'action' button, Q and E to lock on and lunge on enemies, and Mouse1/Mouse2 for attacks. No complaints whatsoever, smooth as butter.

I haven't been glued to a game like this for a VERY long time (counting out Multiplayer games). I'm looking forward to finishing it and quite possibly, re-playing it just to see how much better I can do the second time around. This game's a bloody fantastic treat for the eyes and i couldn't recommend it more than i already have been raving on about it.
Rating: 9 out of 10
(-1 for it's repetitive nature and redundant boss battles)



Raging Fire


Digging into the first boss

On the rivers of Babylon

Sabretooth, pinned on a stake

No Escape


Slice and Dice

X marks the spot indeed!

Talk about a back-ache...


Adamantium 1, Glass 0

No mercy

Best screenshot taken... sheesh!

Smile for the camera!
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Nice one bro... looks like it's worth checking out. I was bit put down after knowing that it's a console port, given the recent history (and bad crop) of console ports. But your review has revived my interest in this.

pure awesomeness..

am dying to get my hands on this game.

thnx for the info.....glad tht my rig can handle it well

@op thanks for posting your views man. :)

Received a lot of positive notes on this game from members , will def try this one.
The game just keeps getting better and better!

Just scaled a massive Mexican stone tower and kept throwing enemies off of it, lol... fun fun fun. Also unlocked the game's first costume (legendary Wolverine, brown and yellow duds) and played through the first snow level - the particle and lighting effects are DAZZLING in the dark. All enemies' guns are equipped with flashlights; it's just too beautiful to describe all the death in the darkness.

Will post some more nice screens up in the evening for your viewing pleasure, this time in the original resolution (1920x1080) :D
Ethan_Hunt said:
Which mutagen are you currently using?

I keep changing them around; they havent made much of a difference in gameplay anyways.

I go with the one that gives me extra rage per kill usually - helps charge the bar faster.

Screenshots coming in 20 mins
Video - Leviathan Boss Fight (later in the game)

YouTube - X-Men Origins: Wolverine PC - Leviathan Boss Fight

Newer pics - all 1920x1080, enjoy!!

Enjoy the ride down!

Admiring the scenery

(But not too closely)

He must have some heavy legs, 60% of his body is over the edge!

What was that?

Nevermind, doesn't matter.

Leap of faith!

Old-school Wolvie.

Your blood's on my costume, damnit!

Learnt this from M.Bison ;)

Scaling an icy wall.


You again?

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but mortars will never hurt me!
b00gieMan said:
cool nice efforts and a nice review for ppl who think twice b4 doing any game ;)

Thank you, and all others who enjoyed reading this thread.

I honestly wouldn't have put in the time if the game was mediocre; the game's fantastic and I love spreading the word :D
Phew! Finally completed the game. Mind blowing. The last boss was a pain in the ass. Unlocked the classic Wolverine costume & also the hard mode. A few bonus matches still need to be fought as well. Will try them tomorrow. I need an encore from Raven software for more hack-en-slash games. Kudos guys.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Phew! Finally completed the game. Mind blowing. The last boss was a pain in the ass. Unlocked the classic Wolverine costume & also the hard mode. A few bonus matches still need to be fought as well. Will try them tomorrow. I need an encore from Raven software for more hack-en-slash games. Kudos guys.

You passed me already! I'm just about to fight the Sentinel, I hardly get time for 1 hour of gameplay a day nowdays.

Oh well, it'll extend the experience for me :D
I myself can't stand prolonged hours of gaming. So I divide it into an hour & a half session. Plus I'm very fast at hack-en-slash games. :P
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