Linux X windows

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startx is not working once i login.
xterm opens instead .The desktop is missing .
can anyone give the soln of how to solve this problem.
Hmm. what has happened is that your default session is set as terminal rather than KDE/Gnome. Tell you what.
Go to /etc/inittab
search for a line that says id:3:initdefault and change the 3 mentioned there to 5. Next time, when u boot up, it will start in graphical mode, but with a choice of session (and u must logon graphically too). Session choice is usually somewhere at the bottom, you must select it b4 u login. Anyway, once u are logged in, change the default session from your system preferences (search thru the menus for something like login prefences or whatever, varies slightly for each distro). Change the default to Gnome (or KDE), then change inittab back to how it was. Voila. You shud be done. There is a way to do this all from text mode, I am sure, but I haven't learned that yet.
(I think it must be somewhere in the /etc/X11/xdm/ directory, but am not sure).
Which distribution, which desktop environment do you use?

Create a file called .xinitrc in your home directory, if it doesn't exist (touch .xinitrc). Now edit it with your favourite editor (pico, nano, vi if you want to do it from console), and put the following lines in it -

exec startkde

Assuming KDE is your desktop envvironment, use gnome-session instead of startkde for gnome. If you use Redhat, there is a small tool called "switchdesk" which will allow you to do this without much hassle. Other distributions may have similiar tools too.

Use KingKrool's method if you want X windows to start everytime you boot, automatically, without having to type startx.

BTW you do have KDE/Gnome/Some desktop environmnet installed, right? ;)
My method was to switch BACK afterwards.

Nice go Ujjwal, u found the correct file, I am still to read up on X windows configuration.
thx everybody...actually that was my friend posting in my i don't know much bout his prob...anyways i'll pass the word on....
thnx KingKrool n ujjwal ,
KingKrool i followed ur method changed inittab but unfortunately i m unable to login using any of the sessions .The login screen comes again n again.even failsafe mode is not working.i m stuck in the graphical mode n no text mode is coming for any further changes or follow Ujjwal n move into home directory.
Thnx again.
Try pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a command prompt. If it doesn't work, try F(1 to 6) instead of F2.
After switching to a console as told by Ujjwal, u can undo changes to inittab.
Hey man, which distro is being used? Not ubuntu by any chance???
Anyway, if for some reason, the console does not appear after using Ujjwal's method then while booting using grub, press e to edit command line options for linux, and add a 1 to the end of the line saying "kernel /.............". Leave a space b4 adding 1. Then try booting by pressing b. U will go into a single user non graphical mode and can fix inittab from there.
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