XBOX 360 controller or keyboard??HELP!

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I am playing RACE DRIVER GRID kinda getting addicted to it.I am playing on keyboard would it be better if i get an XBOX360 controller will it be more enjoyable ?:huh: .
Burn out paradise(after playing grid i feel like deleting this crap forever:ohyeah:)
Other games i have:
Tom clancys hawx:hap2: .
Dark sector(3rd person shooter).
Thanks:D .
Totally depends on your comfort level. I prefer GriD with keyboard. Dark Sector completed with the controller. I'll give it a re-run with keyboard & mouse though. H.A.W.X completed today with the controller. Out of the games you mentioned, H.A.W.X would definitely need the controller. Flight controls on a keyboard is a big no-no.
^^Thanks for the reply guys :D

Can u tell me how much the xbox 360 controller costs??

Is that one good or u guys suggest something else??
It's pretty good but I found the action buttons of the PS2 controller to be more sturdy. It costs around 1.5k. People usually prefer it as the compatibility of the games is quite larger with this controller as opposed to other controllers.
I paid 2.3k for a wireless xbox 360 controller...Yet Does GRiD officially support an X360 controller? I use the software Xpadder to play all games using the controller (other than fps'es)..I loved GTA4 and HAWX on it.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Totally depends on your comfort level. I prefer GriD with keyboard. Dark Sector completed with the controller. I'll give it a re-run with keyboard & mouse though. H.A.W.X completed today with the controller. Out of the games you mentioned, H.A.W.X would definitely need the controller. Flight controls on a keyboard is a big no-no.


sam000 said:
Burn out paradise(after playing grid i feel like deleting this crap forever:ohyeah:)

and u know what..i am buying the contoller only for the burnout:bleh: ..i love it..i played grid but not my type..:S
X360 Controller is supported by GRID and Burnout: Paradise natively.
I prefer playing GRID with the keyboard, but i know i can do better once i get used to the controller, however, drifting is a lot better with the controller.

Burnout Paradise i cannot imagine playing it w/o the controller, its just a whole lot of fun because of it :)

Play burnout to get used to the controller, then you can try it in GRID.
BTW, i play both, and love both. The 2 are different games, you need to look at them individually to enjoy them. Both are top of the food chain in their own area :)
Much easier and more importantly fun to play using the X360 controller. Ive tried it so i know it first go for the controller. U wont regret it.....
Swapping from a ps2 like gamepad (chinese :ashamed: ) to X360 controller had slowed me down initially but when I got used to the triggers I gained a lot of time in both Grid and F1-Challenge in corners. Also my tyres in F1-Challenge don't loose grip as fast as they used to before.

So I would recommend the 360 controller for all driving games. But, I still prefer to use my other gamepad for DMC4 'cause I find doing combos a bit difficult with it.
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