XBOX 360 controller or keyboard??HELP!

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prabs said:
But, I still prefer to use my other gamepad for DMC4 'cause I find doing combos a bit difficult with it.
Same here. Even I can't get myself accustomed with this controller for DMC4. The PS2 style controller works like a charm for this game. Having completed all the DMC series on the PS2 controller, the 360 controller just doesn't connect. :(
^^Thanks all of you guys for the valuable inputs:thumb: .XBOX 360 CONTROLLER seems to rule the roost in pc gaming too:hap2: Ok i will get one no more confusion now thanks a lot guys :cheers:

How much the wired controller costs?? .

I was one of the first persons to get the xbox 360 officially in chennai but within a month my dog :@ pulled the power card of the xbox and the console fell from the table not working anymore. So can i use any part inside the dead console i tried opening it with a hammer but it was too strong:ashamed:
I remember it being sold for 1.1k or 1.2k online abt a month or 2 ago. I got mine from Lamington Rd. for 1.4k (too scared to buy stuff online).
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