XBOX 360 core system pricing?

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techie_007 said:
1. I just cleared the fact that ur rumor is wrong. At least accept it now that I have shown evidence of the same :) ..u provided no solid proof..u just produced speculation like me

2. Dealers are not really the most knowledgeable on such matters. Users are. I trust a good online site over a dealer anyday :P ... its consoul :cool2:

Conclusion: NO ONE has found a jasper yet. you havent:bleh:

the dealer is consoul. so yes he is very knowledgeable than users.

and regarding online sites..

Xbox 360 with Jasper arrives on the scene in all its 65nm glory - Engadget

Xbox 360 Jasper expected August |

Waiting for The Jasper Xbox 360 with Madman Muntz

"Checking manufacturing date is I best way to identify a "Jasper" based Xbox system but we are not going to know when the date that they switched to the "Jasper" manufacturing line from the previous "Falcon" manufacturing line. One of my sources in Microsoft hardware said that late august/early September was when they were targeting for the rollout of the Jasper board."

Please do try to understand what others are trying to say before being a complete jerk.

if u want more psec..

check this

AnandTech: Jasper Hunting 101: Waiting for the 65nm Xbox 360
jerin said:
the dealer is consoul. so yes he is very knowledgeable than users.

and regarding online sites..

Xbox 360 with Jasper arrives on the scene in all its 65nm glory - Engadget

Xbox 360 Jasper expected August |

Waiting for The Jasper Xbox 360 with Madman Muntz

"Checking manufacturing date is I best way to identify a "Jasper" based Xbox system but we are not going to know when the date that they switched to the "Jasper" manufacturing line from the previous "Falcon" manufacturing line. One of my sources in Microsoft hardware said that late august/early September was when they were targeting for the rollout of the Jasper board."

Please do try to understand what others are trying to say before being a complete jerk.

if u want more psec..

check this

AnandTech: Jasper Hunting 101: Waiting for the 65nm Xbox 360

1. Read those links again. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE has yet confirmed a jasper. What part of that is wrong? Let me know.

2. Language like that never got anyone anywhere.

Anandtech Quote from YOUR LINK, which is an older article than the one I posted (the one I posted was the follow up, CONFIRMING that NOTHIN yet :P):

You see, the Jasper has not been documented in the wild just yet, so we're all working on speculation and rumor at this point. Engadget jumped the gun the other day based on some bad information from another site. The story was then picked up by a number of media outlets despite the retraction from Engadget. The result is mass confusion about the true status of Jasper and my primary goal here is to set that straight

1. I mentioned it above, but it's worth reiterating: nobody has actually laid hands on a Jasper outside of Microsoft and their manufacturers.

^^^What part of that is confusing? Its ALL rumor TILL NOW as I posted. You have a confirmed report of anyone finding one, POST it :bleh:

Engadget Link:

Update: Looks like this may just be some overeager entries in database -- we'll let you know when we get some hard proof.

like i give a damn.give some solid i can say with all reports that from aug 08 is jasper. thats the truth.
omg.. why are you being soo stubborn?

you believe a console vendor? fine accepted. can you ask him to open up an x360 and show proof that its built on Jasper? No you cant.

Because as of yet, NO ONE the WORLD OVER has managed to find Jasper under the hood.

and trust me, there are enough ppl all over the world who will be buying pieces of the 360 every month ONLY to open it all up and play around with its inards.

If Jasper360's are already available, It would be news all over the world. Unfortunately you seem to be a bit narrow minded in accepting the word of an indian console vendor over acknowledged Hardware Gurus at various tech sites on the web.
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I never questioned the integrity of the seller.

all i am trying to say is that, NO ONE as yet has opened up any XBOX360 sold in retail and checked out whether the internals are of the new kit or not. There have been rumors and unconfirmed reports saying that post aug08 consoles are Jaspers.

NO ONE has confirmed it yet. and frankly i would trust an article from AT on the 24th of October 2008 rather than one by TR on the 30th of September. Logic :)

AnandTech: The Jasper Hunt Continues: Still Looking for the 65nm Xbox 360

Especially when TR makes such elementary mistakes. the batch numbers start with 0 not with 8

The Jasper, as it is codenamed, platform should be found in Xbox 360s with a manufacturing date after the 6th of August this year and with a lot number of 8031 or higher. Don't blame me if you get strange looks asking to look at all the Xbox packages in Game or Argos, trying to find such a unit.

This i quote from the linked AT article
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