Xbox 360 mod chips almost available


ACCORDING TO, a mod chip for the Xbox 360 is likely to show up "within weeks."

They go on to say that a "member of a hacker group" implied that they will be done making the first mod chip in a couple of weeks.

"Everyone of us is endeavoring to develop a mod chip with complete functions. With the chip, gamers will access all functions of Xbox360. We think the chip will be available at market in a couple of weeks. But as the first attempt, the first batch of chips may be complex and they may not function very well."

At least this "hacker group" is more honest about the functionality of their hardware than Microsoft. also reports that pirated games for the Xbox 360 will be on sale (via another "hacker group") in February or March. But people have already been arrested for selling pirated games on the Xbox 360! I guess everybody has wacky release dates.

This modding news comes after Microsoft's statement:We have made improvements on both the hardware and software side to protect Xbox 360 against piracy and modding. With Xbox 360, we had the benefit of learning from our experiences on Xbox. This allowed us to identify points of weakness that were exploited by hackers in the first generation and to eliminate those vulnerabilities in Xbox 360.

Looks like either Microsoft didn't quite get all the "vulnerabilities" out, or those wily "hacker groups" found new ones.

P.S. - Had to repost because of db crash.