dipdude said:
What kind of excuse is that, are you suggesting people go for 360 now, but to enjoy its true potential they should wait for 1-2 years, now they can just be contended that they get to buy it. You pay today, you get to play today not after months, year.
Its not an excuse,that
is what I'm suggesting.Surprised? Well,I guess you haven't been around during any console launch
ever,because thats exactly whats always been happening throughout console history.Just because launch titles are mediocre doesn't mean they're "betas".Developers need to get oriented with the new technology before they can really show it in its true light.Still,there are always the hardcore fans who want the console on launch date,and ppl who want their first glimpse into next-gen,and those are the ppl who buy it at launch.Anyone expecting a complete XBox 360 killer app on launch is nothing more than a fool.In spite of that,the XBox 360 launch titles have been one of the most robust so far.PDZ and PGR got great reviews almost everywhere,and Gamespot even gave PDZ a 9/10.CoD is a port,albeit a
very good one,and the translation is near-perfect.Condemned is supposed to have some of the best,most realistic melee combat sequences ever witnessed in a video game to date.
dipdude said:
Forget japan, they were not able to meet their sales targets even in US. This has been quoted by microsoft and is a fact check these threads out
http://www.techenclave.com/forums/microsoft-admits-xbox360-targets-impossible-65180.html http://www.techenclave.com/forums/us-clocks-600-000-xbox-360s-65495.html
if you have any covert m/s info plz feel free to share it with us.
I'm well aware that they didn't meet their sales target in America either,but its not for the same reason.They didn't get enough sales in Japan because
the Japanese don't want X360s.They couldn't meet their launch target in the US because
too many Americans wanted X360s.Get the difference? It doesn't require any
covert m/s info to realize
that much,does it?
dipdude said:

these are
modded xbox's, even they remind of pc, buy then it is just a personal opinion, you have a right to your opinion that does not mean you are unprofessional.
So those modded XBox 360s look like PCs.Big deal.But was that the XBox 360 of the reviewer? If so,then I take my word back.I was under the impression that he was reviewing
if he was reviewing a modded 360,isn't it necessary on his part to mention that? Perhaps the mods were the reason he was experiencing the noise.But even that wasn't done.
Now I know everyone has his own opinion,but
seriously.Tell me that this:
isn't an improvement.
dipdude said:
You are right there, you dont own it so how do you know, in the same vein why cant the author be tellling the truth, what makes you think he is a liar, cant he just state what he feels about his xbox, does he need a certificate of approval form m/s to state his opinion.
If you read my post properly,I stated that I haven't read of such a thing anywhere else on the net.
thats how I "know".I also never stated that he was a liar,I said that he's probably overexaggerating.Once again,let me clarify that this is an assumption on my part.I know you guys will rip this statement to pieces anyway,but what the hell.
dipdude said:
Are you sure it is just a single universal patch which would allow you to play all your old games, if it was i am sure m/s would have included it.
Well,sorry to burst your bubble,but it
is a single patch as of the time Im typing this.I guess you don't know MS as well as you think you do,huh?
dipdude said:
If there are patches for every game to able to play it on xbox, then look how difficult it becomes for people, its like you have all the games now buy you cant play them as you have to go get the patch first, you must either mail to m/s or d/l them from net. Till your patches arrive you can look at your 360.
Remember for every single game you have to go get the patch. So instead of playing you will be busy hunting for patches, you would realise how boring this would be if you have a huge game collection.
We thought all games would be backward compatible with 360 out of the box, we were wrong, now what has this got to do with author being lazy he is just stating the fact. Cant he expect his older games to play on 360 out of the box.
Should have checked up on that before you wasted your time and effort typing.Too bad it was all for nothing.
dipdude said:
I really admire you guys for your passion towards console's
thank you.
dipdude said:
but saying every other opinion under the sun contrary to your beliefs is crap, is totally crossing the line of logic and helps only in showing you guys in a chauvinistic light.
Same applies to you,my man.If you stopped for a moment and read the complete review other than the first paragraph,you would realise that its simply filled with half-truths and exaggerations.
dipdude said:
Have your opinions but also learn to respect other's.
I try,but when the other guy's opinion is filled with so much BS,its really hard.