XBOX ONE becomes backward compatible

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Looks like they are using this as a tool to boost their sale. I don't think the PS4 will be able to provide backward compatibility considering Cell processor's complexity and the power that will be required to emulate it.
Xbox One suports backward compatibility.

So simply backward compatibility makes it greater. That way Nintendo Wii U is greatest this gen because it supported backward compatibilty with Wii titles out of the box.
Honestly speaking consoles for this generations are really a dud for guys who have owned earlier consoles. Pc rules for this gen if you ask me games are cheaper, quality is better, no online BS pay for multiplayer + many other features.
Moreover a lot of games are getting cross platformed & releasing for pc too like MGS games, Mortal kombat etc which earlier were only console exclusives. Which reminds me Killer instinct may come for pc too.

Moreover there was a time when innovation was really going on & people would get amazed by some features which they were seeing for the first time. Now more focus is given on the visual quality rather than overall quality. Both the consoles don't have much game library & have nothing new to offer except for their exclusives.Which infact are few.
Even shenmue 3 is getting released for PC.(In case you don't know what that is please google & read people's comment on it).
@quan chi - You hit the nail on the head.

Thanks to the increase in graphical details so much money is put into it that the cost of creating a game has increased exponentially. Due to this a game has to be a blockbuster hit and take the least risks. Due to this we see rehashes of tried and tested formulae and not games like Psychonauts, Nier, Folklore, Vanquish etc., very often. These are games that are amazing but didn't rake in as much cash as a GTA title or a Call of Duty title.

The only people who experiment now are Indie developers but they too are getting stuck in a rut which is retro games were difficult so let's amp up the difficulty and make 2d scrollers.

Backward compatibility is a good feature for those who didn't own the previous console and want to play the mainstream titles. I am sure niche titles like Ninety Nine Nights etc might be glitchy or unsupported because the compatibility is not native.
Quality exclusives are the key reason you would want a console over another and in the long run, PS4 is likely to gonna win over XBONE due to their having access to more studios that produce exclusives. Support for previous gen games is simply not enough to sell a console. Early generations of PS3 also had support for previous gen, but that was never a system selling feature.

In any case, it is highly unlikely that PS4 would get backward compatibility through emulation. Definitely not the titles like Uncharted or God of War which made full utilization of PS3 cell architecture. XBOX 360 used a simple 3 core Power PC RISC based CPU. There should be no surprises in emulating it on a x86 based CPU. PS3 while was also a RISC based CPU still had a unique architecture which I guess would not be easy to emulate.

As for hardware of new gen, while on paper, specs look similar for XBONE and PS4, there must be a reason why multi platform titles are often rendered at lower native resolution on XBONE compared to PS4. That still would not be enough to overcome the technical constraints of PS3 on a x86 CPU.
The xBone has a higher clocked CPU and GPU but GPU wise the ps4 is said to have more shaders and also uses DDR 5 RAM vs xBone's DDR 3.

But Microsoft is working alongside developers to help them run games at higher resolution and also remember them releasing a developer kit with this in mind. MS I think will get behind promoting Windows 10 and the Xbox features on it which might be detrimental for xBone.
This was an E3 announcement
Part Game needs to be downloaded, just a disc won't work.
Game lineup (Right now) is very small -

Microsoft announced Xbox One backward compatibility at E3 2015 and is rolling out the function starting this year. 360 discs do not play natively but trigger a download of a compatible file, while downloadable titles appear automatically.

Games currently compatible include:

  • A Kingdom for Keflings
  • A World of Keflings
  • Alien Hominid HD
  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Banjo-Tooie
  • BattleBlock Theater
  • Defense Grid
  • Geometry Wars Evolved
  • Hexic HD
  • Jetpac Refuelled
  • Kameo
  • Mass Effect
  • N+
  • Perfect Dark
  • Perfect Dark Zero
  • Small Arms
  • Super Meat Boy
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Toy Soldiers: Cold War
  • Viva Piñata
  • Viva Piñata: TIP
  • Zuma
Also If I was buying an Xbox One now I'd rather pick up the entire Halo Bundle or Gears Bundle rather than putting in my old Halo discs. Not to forget Gears Franchise is coming to PC.

Likewise for PS4 bundles. For people who have their entire libraries on Xbox 360 it makes sense to hold on to their discs.
But this feature isn't a system seller. I have a 360 and PS3 with almost all of my library on PS3 and if they want to convert me then just give me awesome games which is still away till 2015 Holidays. But it's good to have the option nevertheless.

Back to PC for some days till some proper games come out.
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^^ That backward compatible games list is shitty if you ask me. Looks like they have mostly worked on making the small downloadable games compatible. I have only Mass Effect from that list and I already have the Trilogy pack for Windows. If they want anything out of this, they better support games like RDR which is the best console exclusive that I played on 360 and maybe a few of the 360 exclusives like Fable 2 and Crackdown series. Halo series are shitty and overrated, but its still for some reason popular and they did try a money grab with a remastered collection.

I think MS would also be constrained by the fact that many of the studios would be looking for a quick money grab by "remastering" XBOX 360 titles for XBONE. If there is going to be remastered version, chances would be slim that XBONE would be allowed to run the 360 version.
^^ It may be your personal opinion.I have played halo 1 & 2 & I liked them I still have interest to finish the fight & play halo 4. Halo is really good if you have interest in it. (Don't know about the other titles like odst etc)
^^ Most people bought halo games on XBOX 360 for the multiplayer which is itself IMO pretty mediocre. People didn't give a damn about the single player campaign, at least not since Halo 3. Halo series has figured on many overrated games lists as well. People who like this series for the single player campaign are a minority few.
^^ Minor or major xbox's strong point was always HALO (& somewhat Forza series). Halo's multiplayer till 3 was awesome!(seen a lot of halo 3 multiplayer). I don't know about the others.Microsoft is desperately trying to beat sony in this gen. That may be another reason for these goodies. Infact I support some of their movies. Making backward compatible makes the machine some what like pc no matter how old the game is you will still be able to play it. Moreover like I have mentioned They are giving away fallout 3 free with fallout 4 & so many AAA (earlier exclusives) games coming to windows. Titles like Halo & forza will never come for windows otherwise it will be like digging your own grave for xbox.

Until Dawn gameplay looks really a mess mostly due to the pathetic controls. To lock a door (barrel door bolt) you have to move your controller to the right or left side is just stupid. The last guardian which was in development forever was resurrected again. Btw I am skeptic about that too. Moreover some of xobx's recent games like GeOW 4 is looking more promising.
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