Laptops XPS M1330 vs. XPS M1530

FYI, finally decided on the M1330. The deal-breaker for the M1530 ended up being the low screen resolution of 1280x800 - that's wastage of desktop real estate IMO. At least 1440x900 would have been nice, since you have that option for 15" Inspirons plus my old 14" D600 manages 1400x1050. Even the 15" MacBook supports 1440x900.

Anyways, ordering the M1330 tomorrow - 71k all inclusive.
Yup, and I heard the build quality isn't as good as the XPS notebooks. It appears Dell is marketing them as business solutions to compete directly with IBM, which is why the Vostros look just like the Thinkpads. That's not necessarily bad, but I don't like them. Plus there is no WLED screen option.
It's the same as what I listed in my first post, with the addition of the WLED display:

M1330: T7300, 2x1GB DDR2, 160GB 7200rpm HDD, 8400M GS 128MB, WLED display - the rest is standard
starchazer said:
How many hours can the 6 or 9 cell battery keep the notebook running? (i'm asking about both m15 and m13)
The XPS M1330 with a 9 cell with the WLED screen gives me a battery back up of about five and a half hours.
RiO said:
It's the same as what I listed in my first post, with the addition of the WLED display:

M1330: T7300, 2x1GB DDR2, 160GB 7200rpm HDD, 8400M GS 128MB, WLED display - the rest is standard

Nice config. 1 thing though, why 7300? Was the 7250 option available? Its the same except for the 2mb cache.

And i don really know whats special in the WLED screen.. :ashamed:
would have to see it for me self...
The additional L2 cache will help with media encoding, and the WLED display will reduce power consumption, reduce the overall weight of the notebook and makes images look prettier :D
RiO said:
The additional L2 cache will help with media encoding, and the WLED display will reduce power consumption, reduce the overall weight of the notebook and makes images look prettier :D

Oh yeah will help for that.. Didn't know you were gonna use it for that :)

Well thats something i din know about the display.. Wanna see urs wen you get it :D ETA ?
Question for M1330 owners or anyone who received a Dell notebook recently... does Dell ship notebooks with a Vista DVD? Ordered mine today but that's one question I did not ask them :/
^ Yup, you get 2 DVD's, one with Vista and the others with some software (Audigy, some crap, etc.).

The Vista DVD itself has the drivers for the notebook.
There are just 2 colors in India, red and black... I went for the black. You can just call them and finalize your order.
Rio, dude..afta being through ur vry 1st post i wz jus headin fr XPS1530..
as i wz mainly focusing to displaycard,hence 1530 z still a betta option fr me as 8600 GT z much mre effective thn 8400GS i guess.
But, as u stated tat scr resolution as per scr size z quite poor in 1530. i jus wanna inquire dude, does it relly makes a major difference to the picture quality, thn of 1330 i.e. same reso wid 13.2"..

lso, otha thn scr reso. z thr ny otha major diffrnce wch makes 1330 evn betta??:S
Besides display quality, my concern was the waste of desktop space/real estate with the M1530... I'll be using this notebook primarily for web dev/design and the trade-off with the M1530 was too much to overlook. First, it's heavier - and second, the display isn't as nice as the M1330's.

However, if you're on a tight budget and/or plan to use the notebook mainly for gaming/general use, the M1530 might make more sense provided you're willing to compromise a bit on the display/resolution :)